A&E doctor reveals people in their THIRTIES are in intensive care with coronavirus in UK hospitals

An A&E doctor in London has warned that even people in their 30s are fighting for their lives in intensive care because of the coronavirus crisis. Dr Rosena Allin-Khan, an emergency doctor and the Labour MP for Tooting, south London, revealed that doctors will soon have to start rationing life support machines. After working at shift … Read more

France building military field hospitals as world intensifies battle against coronavirus

France is building military field hospitals as the world intensifies its battle against coronavirus with deaths hitting 13,274 and cases soaring above 300,000. Soldiers were pictured setting up medical centres in Mulhouse, which along with Alsace, is France’s worst-hit region. Shoppers in Dubai are now greeted with ‘stay safe’ markings in supermarkets to encourage social distancing … Read more

NHS strikes deal with private hospitals for 20,000 extra staff, 8,000 beds and 1,200 ventilators

NHS strikes massive deal with private hospitals for 20,000 extra staff, 8,000 beds and 1,200 ventilators in fight against coronavirus By Milly Vincent For Mailonline Published: 15:15 GMT, 21 March 2020 | Updated: 15:15 GMT, 21 March 2020 More beds, ventilators and thousands of extra healthcare staff will be made urgently available from next week … Read more

Two London hospitals admit they are turning away coronavirus patients

A hospital in London has declared a ‘critical incident’ because its intensive care unit is completely full after a surge in coronavirus patients. Northwick Park Hospital, in Harrow, north-west London, has had at least three patients die of the coronavirus already this week. A director at another hospital has reportedly called the situation ‘f***ing petrifying’ … Read more

New ventilators could be in NHS hospitals for coronavirus patients ‘within DAYS’

New ventilators could be in NHS hospitals for coronavirus patients ‘within DAYS’ as Health Secretary Matt Hancock says six manufacturing firms have ALREADY produced them Health Secretary Matt Hancock hailed the ‘unbelievable’ response from industry He revealed that ‘half a dozen’ firms had already produced prototype ventilators  Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you … Read more

Coronavirus Italy: Inside hospitals as death toll overtakes China’s

Desperate Italian medics at the coronavirus epicentre told how all their efforts ‘are not enough’ as their country’s death toll soared above that of even China. The number of fatalities there hit 3,405 yesterday, the highest in the world, despite the valiant efforts of shattered doctors to keep the ailing victims of the virus alive. … Read more

Two cruise ships at Tilbury Docks on standby to act as floating hospitals to help fight coronavirus

EXCLUSIVE: Two giant cruise ships on standby to act as floating hospitals at Tilbury Docks as UK cruise company offers them to the government to help cope with coronavirus crisis British owners of Spirit of Discovery and Saga Sapphire are understood to have handed ships to government No decision has yet been taken to use … Read more

Baltimore Mayor begs residents to stop gun violence and keep hospitals clear for coronavirus

Baltimore Mayor begs residents to stop shooting each other and ‘clogging up’ hospital beds which need to be kept open for coronavirus patients after SEVEN people are shot in a single night Baltimore Mayor Jack Young pleaded with Baltimore residents to put down their guns after seven people were shot in a single night  The … Read more

NHS hospitals told to cancel operations for at least THREE MONTHS to deal with coronavirus

NHS coronavirus battle plan: Hospitals told to cancel non-emergency operations for three months and pay for staff to stay in hotels if a family member has tell-tale symptoms By Connor Boyd Health Reporter For Mailonline Published: 15:11 GMT, 17 March 2020 | Updated: 15:23 GMT, 17 March 2020 NHS hospitals have been told to cancel operations … Read more

Now the UK faces an OXYGEN crisis and hospitals ‘could run out within hours’

NHS hospitals could run out of oxygen within hours if hit by a wave of coronavirus patients, experts have warned as the UK’s crisis rapidly worsens. Gas suppliers have been told to quadruple production to help hospitals prepare and military drivers may be requisitioned to do the deliveries. The coronavirus can, in severe cases, lead … Read more