Joe Biden breaks Obama’s 2008 record for popular vote with more than 70million votes counted

Massive voter turnout has led Democratic nominee Joe Biden to receive more votes for president than any other candidate in US history with 70million counted so far, breaking Barack Obama’s 2008 popular vote record.  The former Vice President racked up more than 70,470,044 votes as of Wednesday at 3.20pm EST, surpassing Obama’s popular vote total … Read more

Nevada results could come on Thursday after officials delay count

Results from the western swing state of Nevada could be known on Thursday morning, after pollsters stopped counting ballots on election day and planned to return to them on Wednesday. Nevada officials originally hoped to release results at 9.45pm Pacific time, or just after midnight on election night eastern, but they will instead be delayed … Read more

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election result between Trump and Biden

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict as Dominic Raab admits there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between Trump and Biden but says Special Relationship can thrive with either Dominic Raab said US election too close to call but voiced confidence in system  Admitted there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between the candidates Insisted Special … Read more

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict

Downing Street anxiously awaits US election verdict as Dominic Raab admits there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between Trump and Biden but says Special Relationship can thrive with either Dominic Raab said US election too close to call but voiced confidence in system  Admitted there are different ‘opportunities and risks’ between the candidates Insisted Special … Read more

Biden secures first Election Day victory while Trump takes second in two New Hampshire towns

Joe Biden secured the first Election Day victory while Trump took the second as two tiny New Hampshire towns with a combined population of 26 announced the first US results just after midnight.  Dixville Notch posted its final tally – with all five votes going to Biden – on a handwritten poster board at 12.03am … Read more

US Election 20202: Can Donald Trump win again?

Will the Teflon Donald come up Trumps again? He saw off Hillary Clinton – and an impeachment… So, as the US goes to polls, and the world holds its breath, we analyse the race for the White House By Daniel Bates For The Daily Mail Published: 22:15 GMT, 2 November 2020 | Updated: 23:31 GMT, … Read more

US election may be a battle of the sexes, says Piers Morgan

I’m not going to predict who will win tomorrow’s US election because honestly, it’s become impossible to predict anything involving Donald Trump. In 2016, I confidently told people for months before polling day that Trump was going to pull off a shock win because I’d been filming a lot in middle America that year and … Read more

US Election Polls: Trump has SEVEN-point lead in swing state of Iowa

Donald Trump has surged ahead in the key swing state of Iowa, according to a poll that suggests he has a slim chance of pulling off another huge upset. The survey for the Des Moines Register showed the President was seven points ahead of Joe Biden with a day until the election. The same late … Read more

‘Trump has a SEVEN-point lead in vital swing state of Iowa’

The Donald’s not done for yet: Trump has a SEVEN-point lead in vital swing state of Iowa according to the same late poll that showed he could win the White House in 2016 A survey for the Des Moines Register puts Donald Trump seven points ahead  The same late poll in 2016 was one of … Read more

Donald Trump claims Biden calls young black men ‘super predators’

Donald Trump defended his previous claims that Joe Biden has referred to black American men as ‘super predators’ by insisting Sunday morning that his ‘sources’ told him the Democratic nominee has used the phrase. ‘Joe Biden called Black Youth SUPER PREDATORS. They will NEVER like him, or vote for him. They are voting for ‘TRUMP,” … Read more