Henry Cavill is in talks to reprise Man Of Steel role in upcoming DC Comics movie

Superman returns! Henry Cavill is in talks to reprise Man Of Steel role in upcoming DC Comics movie By Rachel Mcgrath For Dailymail.com Published: 05:19 BST, 28 May 2020 | Updated: 05:24 BST, 28 May 2020 He’ll be seen as Superman again in Zack Snyder’s cut of Justice League for HBO Max. But it turns … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Boris Johnson was like a tin of Pedigree Chum attacked by a schnauzer 

Hair skew-whiff, a homely fireplace as backdrop and matey, first-name terms only. The Prime Minister appeared before a chosen collection of Westminster’s most self-regarding bobbies yesterday trying to appear as relaxed possible. It was clear, though, that events of recent days had knocked him off-kilter. His jowls were walrussy, the bags under his eyes bulging … Read more

HENRY DEEDES sees the Prime Minister’s appearance before the Commons Liaison Committee

Hair skew-whiff, a homely fireplace as backdrop and matey, first-name terms only. The Prime Minister appeared before a chosen collection of Westminster’s most self-regarding bobbies yesterday trying to appear as relaxed possible. It was clear, though, that events of recent days had knocked him off-kilter. His jowls were walrussy, the bags under his eyes bulging … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: It was clear Dominic Cummings had come to snarl not schmooze

A double bill of Westminster drama yesterday. Statements from both Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson.  Contrition in short supply from both players. Were it a play we could have called it No Regrets: A Tragedy in Two Parts. For Act One we were treated to Dominic Cummings’ statement on his recent lockdown controversy. News that … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Humble pie? No, we got undiluted praise for his top adviser

Dismal. Deluded. Deranged? Well, let’s not quite go that far but it was not good. Boris Johnson’s Downing Street press briefing last night made for uncomfortable viewing. The Prime Minister had yanked on his Sunday suiting to address the hoo-ha over his senior aide Dominic Cummings. He was a late call-up.  We were originally due … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Zig-zagging Starmer had Keirleaders behind him looking bored

Should you ever find yourself at Waterloo Station with an urgent train to catch, chances are the person in front of you at the ticket kiosk will be in no rush at all. He will um and ah and examine the touch screen quizzically, his expression caught somewhere between wonder and confusion, as though trying … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Celery? Caffeine pills? Whatever Matt Hancock is on we all could use some!

There’s a fun bit of pop trivia I once read which claims that, at any given point in time, somewhere in the world, at least one radio station is playing the Eagles’ Hotel California. Those with a close ear to news programming during this lockdown might think the same is true of Matt Hancock. The … Read more

Henry VIII hated camping so much he slept in easily-erected ‘houses of timber’ 

Henry VIII hated camping so much he slept in easily-erected ‘houses of timber’ while on campaign, a historian has revealed.  Alden Gregory, curator of historic buildings at Historic Royal Palaces which manages Hampton Court among others, said that while Henry was associated with the sumptuous tents at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, there … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: So much for national unity…

Well, bang goes any chance of that government of national unity. After two weeks cautiously circling each other, the Prime Minister and Sir Keir Starmer finally flung off the gloves yesterday. Some might say that trouble had been a-brewin’ for a while. The gracious exchanges between the pair, their overtly chummy pledges to work constructively … Read more

HENRY DEEDES: Like 007 facing his foe, Boris Johnson served charm with menace at his return to PMQs

Bond aficionados will know that early in each story comes an inaugural meeting between hero and foe. A chance encounter over highballs, perhaps, or a high-stakes hand of chemin de fer.  The tone is formal yet courteous. Compliments might even be exchanged. Yet beneath this faux chumminess lingers a whiff of menace.  There was a … Read more