Giant condors can travel over 100 miles without flapping wings

Giant condors can travel more than 100 miles without flapping their wings and instead spend most of their time gliding on thermal updrafts, new research shows.  UK biologists deployed logging devices on the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus), the heaviest known soaring bird, to show how it flies with limited flapping. Incredibly, one bird flew continuously … Read more

Giant condors can travel over 100 miles without flapping their wings

Giant condors can travel more than 100 miles without flapping their wings and spend most of their time gliding on thermal updrafts.   UK biologists deployed logging devices on the Andean condor (Vultur gryphus), the heaviest known soaring bird, to show how it flies with limited flapping. Incredibly, one bird flew continuously for more than five … Read more