Nigel Farage was allowed on to attend Trump rally under ‘national interest’ clause, officials reveal

Nigel Farage was stopped from boarding a flight to the US amid the coronavirus travel ban but was finally allowed to attend a rally for President Donald Trump under a ‘national interest’ clause, officials have revealed.  Mr Farage documented his journey to the States through the weekend, fanning speculation his friend the President helped him … Read more

Nigel Farage travels to America ahead of Trump rally despite the US ban

Nigel Farage travels to America ahead of Trump rally despite the US ban on visitors – sparking speculation the President helped him into the country Brexiteer this afternoon tweeted: ‘In the USA, only twenty four hours from Tulsa’  Tulsa, Oklahoma, is playing host to Trump’s first campaign event since lockdown Theories pointed to a one-off … Read more

Nigel Farage ‘was dropped by LBC amid staff backlash’

Nigel Farage has doubled down his attacks on Black Lives Matter protesters hours after LBC pulled the plug on his radio show amid growing staff anger at his controversial comments. Colleagues had ratcheted up pressure on the station’s owner, Global Media, to drop the Brexiteer from its presenting cast following his scathing opposition to campaigners. … Read more

Nigel Farage quits LBC radio show as contract not renewed

Nigel Farage has quit his LBC show ‘with immediate effect’ following talks with station executives, the broadcaster announced this afternoon.   The arch-Brexiteer is refusing to see out the remainder of his time with the station after being informed his popular evening show was to be wound down. Bosses were understood to be caught flat-footed by his … Read more

Nigel Farage quits his LBC radio show ‘with immediate effect’ 

Nigel Farage steps down from his LBC radio show ‘with immediate effect’ after talks with bosses The arch-Brexiteer, 56, has hosted his own hourly evening slot since 2017  His sudden departure from the commercial radio station was revealed in a tweet  Ex-Ukip leader has bagged some huge interviews, such as Donald Trump By Jack Elsom … Read more

Nigel Farage blasted for ‘inciting racism’ after comparing Black Lives Matter group to the Taliban

Nigel Farage has been accused of inciting racism after he sensationally claimed the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement to be a ‘far-left Marxist organisation whose chief aim is to close down police forces’ in a blazing television row this morning over the toppling of a slave trader statue in Bristol. The Brexit Party leader also accused the … Read more

Nigel Farage says NINE boats carrying migrants are already on the Channel this morning

Nigel Farage has accused France of assisting an ‘invasion’ of migrants across the Channel after its border patrol ships were filmed escorting dinghies into UK waters.   The Brexit Party leader, 56, said today would be ‘another record day’ for crossings and claimed nine migrant boats are already on the Channel. A record 531 migrants have made … Read more

Unrepentant Nigel Farage breaks lockdown to watch migrants arriving at Dover

An unrepentant Nigel Farage returned to the Kent coast today as 11 migrants were picked up – with more than 1,000 having now made it to Britain this year.  On Monday Mr Farage appeared in Dover and said he ‘witnessed first hand our Border Force acting as a taxi service for illegal migrants’, adding that … Read more

‘Incredulous’ Nigel Farage visited by police

‘Incredulous’ Nigel Farage says he is victim of ‘lockdown lunacy’ as he reveals two ‘sheepish’ police officers ‘lectured’ him on essential travel after he drove 100 miles to make film about illegal migrants in Dover Law enforcers ‘advised’ Mr Farage on the lockdown rules after his trip to Dover  Complaint reportedly made after he travelled … Read more

Nigel Farage defends travelling 100 miles to film footage about UK migrant crossings

Nigel Farage has defended travelling 100 miles from his home in Kent to film footage about UK migrant crossings. The Brexit Party leader was filmed at Pett Level, a beach in east Sussex, claiming it was the ‘favoured location’ for migrants to land in the UK. He was later also videoed in Hastings where he interviewed … Read more