Tory rebels demand Michael Gove publish evidence for NHS claim

Furious Tory rebels today demanded Michael Gove publish the evidence underpinning his claim the NHS would be ‘overwhelmed’ by coronavirus without the Government’s new tiered system of restrictions.  The Minister for the Cabinet Office made the claim on Saturday as he tried to quash a Conservative revolt and persuade MPs to support the curbs when … Read more

The PM needs to show us evidence that sacrifices we are making are worth it, writes MP TOM TUGENDHAT

Kent is steeped in history. For hundreds of years, houses such as Hever Castle and Penshurst Place have hosted power politics and palace intrigue. More recently, they attract visitors from all over the world to see the haunts of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. They should be welcoming more people today, but they are not. The … Read more

NASA’s Curiosity rover finds evidence of an ancient ‘megaflood’ on Mars 4 billion years ago

Floods of unimaginable magnitude once washed through Gale Crater on Mars around 4 billion years ago, raising the possibility life once existed on the Red Planet. Researchers from Jackson State University, Cornell University and the University of Hawaii worked with NASA to examine sediment data captured by the Curiosity Rover. Dubbed a ‘raging megaflood’ by … Read more

Rudy Giuliani gives voting fraud ‘evidence’ at odd press conference

PENNSYLVANIA BIDEN MAJORITY TRUMP NEEDS TO OVERTURN: 82,092 The Trump campaign has made Pennsylvania a centerpiece of its legal efforts in hopes of prying its 20 Electoral Votes away from Joe Biden. The state was a focus of pre-election concern amid its vastly expanded mail-in ballots, court rulings about the state accepting mailed ballots after … Read more

Masks DON’T stop the spread of Covid: Top experts criticise ‘troubling lack of evidence’

Top scientists have warned there is a ‘troubling lack of evidence’ that face masks prevent Covid-19 infection, after a major study in Denmark found they don’t protect people who wear them.  Governments around the world — including the UK — have made it mandatory to wear a face covering in indoor public spaces, despite a … Read more

Nicholas Witchell ‘will give evidence at Diana Panorama inquiry’

Mr Witchell, 67, is said to have been ‘deeply disturbed’ by claims Mr Bashir allegedly spun an outlandish web of deceit to win Diana’s trust Veteran BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell will appear before an inquiry into whether Martin Bashir conned Princess Diana into their notorious 1995 interview having been ‘deeply disturbed’ by the alleged dirty tactics, … Read more

Madeleine McCann: Portuguese ‘claim German police have NO evidence’

Portuguese police have accused German cops of having no evidence that Christian Brueckner abducted Madeleine McCann, according to a leaked memo. Officers from the Policia Judiciaria said they were ‘shocked’ after being briefed on the German case against Brueckner, adding there is ‘no evidence, just speculation’. Portuguese detectives believe the allegations against Brueckner are designed to ‘keep him … Read more

Princess Diana BBC interview scandal: Vital evidence ‘stolen’

Vital evidence in the Princess Diana BBC interview scandal was stolen in a mysterious burglary, it was claimed yesterday. Computer disks containing forged documents were allegedly swiped in a night-time raid on a London flat. The break-in was at the home of Matt Wiessler, a graphic artist who had mocked up bank statements on behalf of … Read more

International election observer says there is no evidence for Trump’s fraud claims

The head of an international delegation monitoring the US election has concluded there was no evidence of election fraud despite President Donald Trump’s claims involving mail-in absentee ballots. Michael Georg Link, a German lawmaker who heads an observer mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said that Tuesday’s election was ‘competitive and … Read more

Meteorite found in Sahara evidence of WATER on Mars 4.4bn years ago

Analysis of a meteorite found in the Sahara Desert reveals the existence of water on Mars 4.4 billion years ago, scientists report.  The mineral composition of Martian meteorite NWA 7533, found in 2012, reveals chemical signatures of oxidation – which would have occurred as water formed.  The 84 gram meteorite, named partly after its landing … Read more