Pictured: The personal protective equipment EVERY frontline NHS medic needs

Britain’s medics on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic have been calling on the government to provide adequate personal protective equipment. Alarming scenes from the nation’s hospitals have revealed nurses wearing homemade gowns from bin bags and curtains amid claims of a dire shortage. In one of the most harrowing cases, a doctor warned … Read more

Turkey sends planeloads of emergency equipment including masks and protective suits to Britain

‘After darkness, there is the much brighter sun’: Turkey sends planeloads of emergency equipment including masks and protective suits to Britain in poetry-inscribed boxes to help UK medics battling coronavirus First flight from Ankara took off today carrying personal protective equipment  A second flight is due to take off on Saturday, according to the defence … Read more

Hopes rise that Government’s 100,000 testing target WILL be hit as academics unveil new equipment

Hopes rise that Government’s 100,000 testing target WILL be hit as academics unveil equipment that can process virus samples without using labs Major health tech firms pledged to help Government hit 100,000 testing target  AstraZeneca, Cambridge University and GlaxoSmithKline have joined forces for a testing facility in Cambridge to produce accurate antibody test in weeks … Read more

Doctor who warned PM about need for more protective equipment for NHS workers dies from coronavirus

Doctor, 53, who warned Boris Johnson about ‘urgent’ need for more protective equipment for NHS workers dies from coronavirus after 15 day battle By Tom Pyman For Mailonline Published: 14:16 BST, 9 April 2020 | Updated: 14:36 BST, 9 April 2020 A doctor who warned Boris Johnson about the need for more personal protective equipment … Read more

Nurses warn lack of protective equipment is ‘fundamentally compromising’ care amid Covid-19 pandemic

Nurses warn lack of protective equipment is ‘fundamentally compromising’ care they can give patients and putting their safety at risk amid coronavirus pandemic The Royal College of Nursing has warned staff are putting their own safety at risk Medical staff are forced to share equipment, buy their own or even reuse kit  The RCN’s chief executive … Read more

‘Fifty NHS doctors will die from coronavirus’ without proper protective equipment, warns top medic

A leading medic has warned ‘fifty doctors in Britain will die’ battling the coronavirus pandemic if frontline staff are not properly equipped with protective gear. Rinesh Parmar, chairman of the Doctors’ Association, claims medics are buying their own personal protective equipment (PPE) in a bid to shield themselves from the deadly virus. He also says … Read more

New York hospitals are being charged up to 15 TIMES normal prices for medical equipment

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Yob steals vital protective equipment from patient transport ambulance amid coronavirus crisis

Yob steals vital protective equipment from patient transport ambulance amid coronavirus crisis The brazen criminal broke into the ambulance overnight in Kirkby, Merseyside The driver’s window was shattered and goods such as face masks were looted The items were essential for NHS workers on the front line battling coronavirus By James Gant For Mailonline Published: … Read more

ALL health workers must wear full protective equipment when near suspected COVID-19 patients

All doctors and nurses should now wear an apron, gloves, mask and goggles every time they come within two metres of people who might have the coronavirus. And all healthcare workers working in or out of a hospital should wear a mask if there’s a possibility they’re close to someone who might have COVID-19.  Public … Read more

Co-op worker who served people with NO protective equipment fights for life

A Co-op worker who served customers with no protective equipment is fighting for her life after catching coronavirus.     Clare Hill worked at the store in Keynsham, Somerset, until she fell ill on March 24 and was taken to the Royal United Hospital in Bath. It was there that she was diagnosed with Covid-19 and she has … Read more