260-mile dash and a tale that keeps unravelling: How the crisis engulfing Dominic Cummings unfolded 

Never before has an unelected Government adviser been so powerful – and divisive. The Prime Minister’s right-hand man and self-proclaimed architect of Brexit, Dominic Cummings, has already been depicted in a TV film by Benedict Cumberbatch and was the subject of a BBC documentary this year. He has seemed to revel in his reputation as … Read more

Sajid Javid is accused of stoking the bullying storm engulfing Priti Patel

Former Chancellor Sajid Javid has been accused of playing a key role in the crisis engulfing Home Secretary Priti Patel over allegations that she bullied staff. The pair previously clashed over immigration policy, and now allies of Ms Patel believe that aides loyal to Mr Javid helped to orchestrate Home Office Permanent Secretary Sir Philip Rutnam’s … Read more

British directors at heart of scandal engulfing healthcare firm NMC

The growing scandal at NMC Health has left the FTSE 100 hospitals group battling for survival.  It has also left founder and chairman BR Shetty’s dreams in tatters. The Indian billionaire started NMC in the 1970s in the United Arab Emirates. He also founded Finablr, the finance group that owns Travelex. Critical condition: NMC Health … Read more