I told Holly, ‘Stick your trophy where the sun don’t shine’

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 The National Television Awards used to be one of my favourite nights out; a gloriously rowdy, drunken celebration of my industry with like-minded narcissists. But I boycotted tonight’s show in protest at the absurd Groundhog Day pattern that’s been allowed to develop where the exact same people always win the exact same … Read more

One if five parents and grandparents don’t always secure children in car seats correctly

One in five parents and grandparents admit they don’t secure children in car seats correctly or use them at all, putting lives at risk Some 16% of parents and grandparents polled said they don’t properly fasten kinds into child seats for all journeys Another 6% don’t use a child seat at all, despite it being a … Read more

Going skiing? Don’t hit the slopes without FULL cover 

Thousands of skiers heading off to the slopes over the coming weeks should be aware that they risk more than a twisted ankle if they do not have adequate travel insurance. Winter sports – such as skiing, snowboarding and sledging – are often an additional option in travel insurance policies rather than being included as … Read more

Maps reveal that 30% of Southerners and half of Puerto Ricans don’t exercise

Fifteen percent of Americans get no exercise and nearly a third of people in seven states – mostly in the South – are totally inactive, new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention maps reveal.  A sedentary lifestyle – defined as getting no physical activity beyond the basic movements from the couch to the kitchen or … Read more

Motorists who don’t live in Cardiff could be charged £2 to drive into the Welsh capital

Motorists who don’t live in Cardiff could be charged £2 a day to drive into the Welsh capital Daily charge of £2 to drive into the city proposed by Cardiff City Council Residents will be exempt from the levy targeted at 20m visitors to the city a year It will generate revenues for the city’s … Read more

Doctors pushing new drugs don’t have to admit they are funded by the pill’s makers

A bright hope has suddenly appeared in depression therapy: the ‘party’ drug, ketamine. Known best as a horse tranquilliser, it is also used as an anaesthetic in hospitals. But ketamine can cause soaring highs and is used illegally, with potentially nightmarish results; the drug is addictive and can trigger psychosis. Recently, leading depression experts lined … Read more

Don’t panic! Lie awake fretting? A new book debunks the top 58 worries

BOOK OF THE WEEK WORRIED?    by Lise Johnson & Eric Chudler (Norton £16.99, 312 pp) Worried? What a daft question. Of course you’re worried. Are you awake? Are you breathing? Did you leave the bath running? Did you turn the oven off before you went out? Is this aeroplane going to fall out of the … Read more

Don’t tell me to be positive… when I’ve got cancer

When Sophie Sabbage was diagnosed with an incurable illness she felt fear, despair – and overwhelming pressure all around her to stay upbeat. Here she explains how plastering on a happy face can actually do more harm than good   ‘We need to feel our emotions rather than mask them,’ says Sophie When I was diagnosed … Read more

‘Please don’t let us die’: Three cystic fibrosis sufferers beg the NHS to fund ‘wonder drug’

It’s been hailed as a wonder drug with the potential to extend the lives of thousands of people with cystic fibrosis.    But patients across the UK still can’t get their hands on Orkambi – despite it being a year since Theresa May promised to take action. The drug, which slows lung deterioration, received its European … Read more