Columbia researchers develop one-step coronavirus test that can be run in 30 minutes 

Researchers at Columbia University in New York City say they have developed a new coronavirus test that will be able to deliver results in just 30 minutes. It will be significantly faster than tests available at other US hospitals and medical clinics, which take between two to seven days to confirm results. What’s more, the team … Read more

Women who suffer the tragedy of stillbirth are four times more likely to develop Lupus in later life

Women who suffer the tragedy of stillbirth are four times more likely to develop Lupus in later life, study finds Experts analysed the outcomes of more than 100,000 recorded pregnancies They found an association between stillbirths and connective tissue disorders However, the team noted that the correlation with Lupus was the strongest The first detectable signs … Read more

Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal

Chimpanzees develop their own local cultures and customs by imitating each other, researchers reveal Scientists from the Max Planck Institute studied chimpanzee behavior in Africa They used cameras and site samples from more than 40 different locations They found many locations had their own local customs These included different methods of ‘termite fishing’ to get … Read more

Researchers develop new computer algorithm to locate people lost at sea by modeling ocean currents

Researchers develop a new computer algorithm to locate people lost at sea by modeling ‘traps’ in the water that could pull them in different directions Scientists from MIT and elsewhere developed a new search and rescue tool The computer algorithm identifies multiple ‘trap’ regions in the ocean These traps could pull people in several different … Read more

Former HTC executive launches new 5G VR company that will develop a Sims-like social network

Former HTC executive unveils a new 5G VR headset with a 3D virtual city as its operating system, and front-facing cameras to support arm and leg tracking for gestural controls sdEx-HTC CEO Peter Chou has announced a new 5G virtual reality company Called XRSpace, the company’s first product will be Mova, a VR headset Instead … Read more

Could an inhaler fight off coronavirus? British scientists develop a device to help patients

Could an inhaler fight off coronavirus? British scientists develop a treatment to help patients battle the disease as soon as symptoms start Researchers in Southampton will give 120 Covid-19 patients new inhalers The technology uses an experimental drug that boosts the immune system Experts hope it will stop people entering the deterioration phase of the … Read more

One in three patients who fall severely ill with coronavirus develop deadly blood clots

One in three patients who fall severely ill with coronavirus develop dangerous blood clots that may be contributing to their deaths, a leading scientist has warned. The clots, also known as thrombosis, can become fatal if they migrate to major organs in the body and cut off their blood supply. The blockages can trigger heart attacks, … Read more

Survivors of child abuse are TWICE as likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life

Survivors of child abuse are TWICE as likely to develop type 2 diabetes later in life, study finds Survivors of child abuse are 71% more likely to develop cardiovascular disease Survivors are also  at 42 per cent greater risk of developing high blood pressure. People who suffered emotional, sexual or physical abuse as a minor are also … Read more

Small number of people may develop PSYCHOSIS after contracting coronavirus

Psychosis may be another symptom of COVID-19: Study suggests some people suffer HALLUCINATIONS after contracting coronavirus Study found evidence up to 4% of patients could suffer some form of psychosis  Comes from Australian scientists who reviewed 14 pieces of research  Can be treated with low doses of anti-psychotic medication, study suggests  Here’s how to help people … Read more

Microsoft and Intel develop new malware detection software

Microsoft and Intel develop antivirus software that turns malware into 2D images that can be examined by a neural network The software, called STAMINA, converts malware bits into 2D images It then examines those images using computer visions software The approach could reduce the number of data points examined by software It has shown a … Read more