Health: Manual labourers are 55 per cent more likely to develop dementia than office workers

Manual labourers — such as brick layers, road diggers and factory workers — have a 55 per cent higher risk of developing dementia than office works, a study found.  Researchers from Denmark found that physical work wears down the brain — as well as the heart, muscles and joints — because it’s the ‘wrong sort’ … Read more

Tim Burton to develop live-action Addams Family TV adaptation and buyers are VERY interested

Tim Burton has another spooky offering up his sleeves. The delightfully macabre director has been making the pitch for his own live-action TV version of The Addams Family, according to Deadline.  Platforms are said to be clamoring for the opportunity to pick up the project, which has multiple buyers – including a very interested Netflix – … Read more

Boeing and General Atomics join forces to develop LASER capable of shooting missiles out of the sky 

Boeing and General Atomics are joining forces to develop a new high-energy laser weapon capable of shooting missiles out of the sky. Unveiled on October 13, the two companies are pledging to combine their expertise to produce a ‘HEL’ weapons system equipped with 100 kilowatt beams that can be increased to 250 kilowatts to support … Read more

Type 1 diabetes could develop when babies are still in the WOMB

Type 1 diabetes could develop when babies are still in the WOMB, study finds Previously experts thought it only strikes when infants are older than six months But research found the autoimmune disease can develop before infants are born Breakthrough raises hope scientists will find new treatments for type 1 diabetes By Eleanor Hayward Health … Read more

Psychology: Playing with dolls helps children develop empathy and social skills, study shows

Life in plastic: Playing with dolls helps children develop empathy and social skills, study shows Experts scanned the brains of girls and boys as they played pretend with dolls They compared both solo and social play — along with video game play instead Social play and doll play both activated the posterior superior temporal sulcus This … Read more

Scientists to develop live coronavirus vaccine in UK trial

Scientists ‘to infect 24 people in the UK’ with sluggish genetically-modified coronavirus to develop a ‘live’ vaccine that could produce Covid-19 immunity Codagenix says its computer-edited virus is 1,000 times slower than real thing Firm is said to be planning a ‘challenge trial’ to infect people after the jab Live vaccine will provoke a more … Read more

Scientists develop a prosthetic hand that is able to restore over 90 per cent of functionality

A prosthetic hand that can grip and move like a normal hand could restore over 90 per cent of functionality to people with upper-limb amputations, developers claim.   A team of orthopedists, industrial designers and patients worked with scientists from the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Italy, on the artificial hand named Hannes. The limb was designed … Read more

Scientists develop model to determine which US states are in a second wave of coronavirus

Scientists have developed a mathematical model to determine whether or not US states are in a ‘second surge period’ of coronavirus infections. Researchers from the University of Sydney, in Australia, looked at data and determined any state with a ‘second spike’ that is less than one-fifth of the first is not a true second wave … Read more

New York City is set to develop a massive climate change research center on Governors Island

New York City is set to develop a massive four-million-square-foot research center on Governors Island that will study the impact of climate change around the city’s 520 miles of coastline. The Trust for the island released its proposal to build a living laboratory, academic institution, living quarters and public areas for visitors to engage in … Read more

Scientists develop a slippery surface for hulls to reduce drag 

Faster ships could be on the horizon after scientists develop a slippery surface inspired by fish and seaweed to reduce the hull’s drag through the water Artificial mucus could help tiny cavities on ship hulls reduce water resistance Long-distance cargo ships lose a huge amounts of energy due to fluid friction  Korean physicists have monitored open areas … Read more