Chris Pratt calls out Patrick Schwarzenegger for snubbing him in photo credit of Easter pic

Chris Pratt calls out Patrick Schwarzenegger for snubbing him in photo credit of Easter pic with Abby Champion: ‘Who was your photographer?’ Pratt is married to Patrick’s sister Katherine Schwarzenegger   He spent part of Easter with Patrick and Abby Champion  Chris celebrates his first anniversary with Katherine in June  By Adam S. Levy For … Read more

Six most common Universal Credit questions answered

Last week This is Money published a piece with six basic things readers needed to know about Universal Credit, as figures revealed close to a million people applied for benefits in the first fortnight after lockdown. We were flooded with questions from readers, many of them incredibly specific. While we can’t answer them all, we … Read more

What do the FCA credit card and overdraft proposals mean for consumers?

This morning, the Financial Conduct Authority announced proposals to try and help people struggling with their finances as a result of coronavirus. The proposals are subject to a quick-fire consultation and could come into force next Thursday. Banks have already brought in some measures themselves, but the FCA proposals seek to ensure that customers of … Read more

Banks should give £500 interest-free overdrafts credit card and loan payment holidays says FCA

Britons struggling to repay their debts amid the coronavirus crisis could be given £500 interest-free overdrafts and get a three-month freeze on loan repayments under new proposals.  The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is asking banks to offer anyone unable to repay their overdraft as a result of the virus outbreak £500 interest-free.  Anyone hit financially … Read more

Nearly 1 million people in Britain apply for Universal Credit in past two weeks amid coronavirus

Nearly one million people have applied for Universal Credit in the past two weeks as businesses nationwide were forced to close to stop the spread of coronavirus. There have been 950,000 new benefit applications made since March 16, compared to 100,000 in a normal two-week period.  Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a number of measures as … Read more

Apple lets its credit card holders defer April payments amid the coronavirus

Apple lets its credit card holders defer April payments without penalty because of financial hardships caused by coronavirus Apple said customers can forego payments on interest for the month of April It cited financial hardships created by the coronavirus pandemic To activate the offer, customers will have to contact customers support  Apple rolled out the … Read more

Google searches for ‘universal credit’, and ‘furlough’ soar in Britain

Online searches for terms including ‘furlough’, ‘Universal Credit’ and ‘how to claim benefits’ have skyrocketed as the coronavirus crisis has taken hold in recent weeks. Britons have been using Google to look up the Government’s guidance on helping firms with furloughed workers to keep them employed but without working.   People suffering financial trouble during the … Read more

Nearly a million Britons try to claim Universal Credit over two week period

Nearly a million Britons try to claim Universal Credit over two week period after huge surge in ex workers claiming support amid coronavirus crisis Around 880,000 people applied for Universal Credit in a two week period This is significantly above the 100,000 applications normally made in a fortnight Labour MP Stephen Timms said some people … Read more

Six things you need to know about Universal Credit

While the Chancellor has announced a series of measures over the last fortnight designed to cushion the blow for those whose jobs have been affected by the coronavirus outbreak, thousands will likely be turning to the benefits system. In particular, employees who have been made redundant rather than furloughed on half or 80 per cent … Read more

ALEX BRUMMER: Beware the credit crunch

Andrew Bailey’s first day as governor of the Bank of England saw a promise of ‘prompt action’ to deal with the financial fallout from the Covid-19 crisis.  His pledge is a fresh signal that all is not well with the global monetary plumbing. The American central bank, the Federal Reserve, has intervened twice since last … Read more