Will Mike Pence be sworn in? New constitutional question as Donald Trump starts hospital stay

President Donald Trump’s sudden trip to the Walter Reed medical facility raised immediate constitutional questions – as the president prepared for an extended hospital stay just weeks before the election. It was set to be the first extended hospital stay for a sitting U.S. president since the shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. It was … Read more

Constitutional questions mount: Can Donald Trump be replaced on the ballot?

President Donald Trump’s positive test for the coronavirus set off cascading effects through the chain of government – and raises a raft of constitutional issues should he endure a difficult illness or lose his battle with the disease. The Constitution and laws enacted by Congress provide for a line of succession, as well as provisions … Read more

Russian senators back constitutional change allowing Vladimir Putin to run for president again

President Vladimir Putin may be allowed to run for two more terms in the Kremlin after Russian senators overwhelmingly backed amendments to the constitution.  The constitutional reforms, submitted by the Russian leader himself, were backed by 160 senators in the upper house Federation Council, with one voting against and three abstaining. The terms, which could see … Read more

Vladimir Putin will be allowed to run for president again under constitutional amendment

Vladimir Putin would be allowed to run for president again under constitutional amendment backed by Russia’s ruling party Russian President Putin  is required to step down by the constitution by 2024  Putin, 67, has served 4 presidential terms and has done a stint as prime minister Valentina Tereshkova, a United Russia lawmaker, told parliament today … Read more