Commuters are enraged by short trains and as police patrol stations as trains return to 70% capacity

Passengers face major changes on the railways as services are ramped back up to 70 per cent of normal levels today – but panicked commuters complained of packed trains and some mainline services ran with half the usual number of carriages. Travellers will be required to wear face coverings during their journey and to allow for … Read more

Commuters slam Sadiq Khan’s ‘terrible’ Tube service for ‘putting lives at risk’

‘Profligate’ London Mayor Sadiq Khan was slammed by passengers who crammed on to the packed Tube again today after he agreed to ramp up services in return for a £1.6billion taxpayer-funded bailout. Mr Khan had said Transport for London was hours from going bust and blamed Boris Johnson for no social distancing on trains by … Read more

City centre parking charges could be AXED in a bid to tempt commuters off buses and trains 

City centre parking charges could be AXED in a desperate bid to tempt commuters off buses and trains Grant Shapps said parking charges may be waived to ward commuters off trains The Transport Secretary said people have ‘a civic duty to avoid public transport’ His warning comes as Sadiq Khan threatened to run fewer summer … Read more

Back to work day: Commuters pack onto Tube and trains

London Mayor Sadiq Khan was today urged to get a grip and increase levels of trains and buses urgently as stomach-churning footage showed commuters crammed in like sardines this morning. Boris Johnson has said that anyone who cannot work from home should attempt to return to their workplace – but social media videos make it … Read more

Thousands of commuters gear up to return to work on Underground

Transport bosses across Britain are bracing for a surge in passengers on Monday morning if Boris Johnson encourages workers to start returning to work. Emergency planners have already been warned London’s transport system could be overwhelmed by demand when the coronavirus lockdown is eased in some form. And there are mounting fears over a sudden … Read more

Commuters told to check temperatures before leaving home individual towns cities on lockdown

Commuters will be told to check their temperatures before travelling and individual towns and cities could be put on lockdown in an easing of restrictions to be set out by the Government next week.  Boris Johnson will set out a ‘roadmap’ of how to take Britain out of full lockdown and start easing coronavirus restrictions … Read more

Commuters cram into Tube carriages in London as UK enters fourth week of lockdown

A NHS nurse today claimed his commute to work is getting ‘increasingly dangerous’ as he still faces crowded London Underground trains with Britain entering its fourth week of lockdown.    Michael Underwood slammed Transport for London and Mayor Sadiq Khan and compared his journey to ‘jumping off a cliff.  Commuters were pictured piling onto Tube trains … Read more

Five London bus workers die: Sadiq Khan hits out at commuters who refuse to stay at home

Five London bus workers die from coronavirus: Sadiq Khan hits out at commuters who refuse to stay at home and says ‘lives depend’ on following government rules after ‘devastating’ deaths Sadiq Khan tweeted to say he was ‘absolutely devastated’ by bus driver deaths  He called on Londoners to ‘play their part’ in the fight against … Read more

Commuters in India squeeze onto buses while police in Nepal arrest lockdown flouters

The coronavirus pandemic has affected more than 600,000 people around the world, with the death toll today soaring past 28,000. The deadly virus, which was detected in January, has forced several Governments including the UK, India and Saudi Arabia to put their countries in to lockdown to slow its spread. But panic over being left … Read more

Commuters to receive season ticket refunds

Commuters with rail season tickets will get a refund as part of the Government’s rescue package. Hundreds of thousands of passengers holding monthly or annual passes will get their money back for ‘time unused on their tickets,’ the Department for Transport (DfT) said. Ministers also announced that passengers with advance tickets for travel over the coming … Read more