Hundreds queue for swabs in London but get turned away… while centres sit EMPTY elsewhere

A drive-in Covid-19 testing centre caused chaos as hundreds of people who were queuing for swabs were turned away after not being sent QR codes to confirm their appointments. People were unable to get a coronavirus test at the site in Catford, southeast London, yesterday because they were not in possession of a QR code. A … Read more

‘Why CAN’T I get a test?’: Thousands are caught in Covid chaos while testing centres stand empty

** Have you had problems getting a test? Contact 02036152973 or email [email protected] ** Thousands have been caught up in Covid-19 chaos while testing centres stand empty and ministers say one in four people who have booked slots turn out to be ineligible. Parents in Bolton and Hull have complained of struggling to get tests … Read more

Patients STILL face a 155-mile round trip for a Covid swab test as chaos over test centres continues

The full extent of the chaos in the Covid testing centre booking system was revealed yesterday in a snap survey by the Daily Mail. Round trips of up to 155 miles were suggested when reporters around the country tried to book slots. The website said there were no appointments available for three weeks at one … Read more

Council chiefs urged to ‘play their part’ to save city centres by getting people back to work

Town halls were last night urged to ‘play their part’ by getting more workers back into offices to rescue city centre shops. A Daily Mail audit of councils suggests only a fraction of staff have returned. Many said up to eight in ten workers will not be expected to return until next year or until … Read more

Eerie photos show Melbourne’s deserted streets, shopping centres and sports grounds

Eerie photos of Melbourne’s deserted streets, shopping centres and sports grounds, have revealed the desolation of Victoria’s stringent lockdown measures imposed three weeks ago to curb surging cases of coronavirus. Melbourne, the capital city of Australia’s pandemic hotspot, has a strict ‘stage four’ lockdown in place: curfews from 8pm to 5am, schools closed, only one … Read more

NHS Test and Trace is directing people to Covid-19 test centres up to 175 miles away 

The NHS Test and Trace system is directing people to Covid-19 test centres up to 175 miles (281km) away from their homes, it has been revealed. People with coronavirus symptoms who try to book a test online have reported being told to drive three hours to reach their ‘nearest’ centre. And some of them have … Read more

Drivers are rescued from cars, roads submerged and shopping centres evacuated as storms sweep UK

A shopping centre was evacuated and drivers had to be rescued from their cars as parts of Essex were hit by severe flooding after a fortnight’s worth of rain fell in just one hour. Chelmsford city centre has been completely flooded forcing staff to evacuate the Meadows Shopping Centre sparking a fire alarm to go … Read more

Wales opens children’s SOFT PLAY centres from today

Wales opens children’s SOFT PLAY centres from today after deciding under-11s pose low risk of spreading coronavirus Soft play centres are reopening in Wales from today for first time since March Facilities in rest of UK have not been given a date for getting up and running  Experts increasingly say younger children pose a lower … Read more

Vans face ban from city centres under Boris Johnson’s plan to get Britain in the saddle

Vans could be banned from city centres under government plans to create more road space for cyclists as part of Boris Johnson’s £2billion anti-obesity drive. A government report aimed at ‘unleashing our nation of cyclists’ proposes reducing ‘unnecessary motorised freight’ like lorries and vans in UK cities. Freight would be sent to out-of-town depots before … Read more

Coronavirus: Germany sets up testing centres at airports

Germany is carrying out coronavirus checks at airports and is considering making them compulsory to fend off a second wave of Covid-19.  Munich, Dortmund and Duesseldorf are among the airports which are screening travellers when they return from overseas, and Angela Merkel’s health minister is today discussing plans to enforce them nationwide.   Britain has never … Read more