New virtual reality software allows scientists to ‘walk’ inside cells 

A new virtual reality system has been created that lets doctors take a Google Street View-style ‘walk’ through the cells inside the human body. It is hoped that the technology will allow researchers to analyse individual cells and gain a deeper understanding of the fundamental problems in biology. University of Cambridge scientists created the software, … Read more

Trump’s Regeneron antibody drug was developed with cells derived from fetus

Donald Trump’s antibody treatment was developed with cells which are ultimately derived from an aborted fetus, it has emerged.  The Regeneron ‘antibody cocktail’ administered to the president was tested using a supply of HEK 293T human cells, which have been cloned and modified in science labs for decades but originate from the kidney of an aborted … Read more

Brain cells of 2,000-year-old Vesuvius victim are found intact

What happened?   Mount Vesuvius erupted in the year AD 79, burying the cities of Pompeii, Oplontis, and Stabiae under ashes and rock fragments, and the city of Herculaneum under a mudflow.   Mount Vesuvius, on the west coast of Italy, is the only active volcano in continental Europe and is thought to be one of the … Read more

Blood test could determine Covid-19 risk by scanning width of red blood cells 

Blood test that measures the size of a person’s red blood cells could spot people most at risk of falling seriously ill or dying from Covid-19 Scientists have found a link between size of red blood cells and Covid mortality   So-called RDW test measures the size range of a person’s red blood cells  A healthy and … Read more

‘Bandage’ transplants bone-forming stem cells into bone fractures

A new type of bandage has been developed that can rebuild broken bones by transplanting bone-forming proteins and stem cells directly onto fractures.  The biomaterial, which can be stuck to a fracture ‘like a plaster’ to accelerate healing, has been tested successfully on mice’s skulls.   After rebuilding bits of broken bone, the biodegradable bandage – which is … Read more

Up to 50% of people may already have immune cells that could fight coronavirus

HALF of Americans could have some protection against COVID-19: Studies find many people have immune T cells to other coronaviruses that respond to the new virus A study of donated blood in the US found that half of samples had immune T cells that reacted to SARS-CoV-2   Similarly high rates were found in smaller studies … Read more

Seaweed capsule packed with stem cells could repair damage after heart attack, scientists find

A tiny capsule made from seaweed and packed with stem cells is being tested as a treatment for heart attack patients. Roughly the thickness of a grain of rice, the capsule is injected into the heart through an incision in the side of the chest.  It is filled with up to 30,000 stem cells, which … Read more

Coronavirus kills off BRAIN cells, study finds

Verifying reports of delusions and brain fogs, new research reveals just how coronavirus attacks and kills brain cells to churn out more copies of itself.  Collaborating scientists around the globe have shown that the virus burglarizes brain cells, using their machinery to replicate, in a study posted online this week, which has not yet been … Read more

Windowless ‘cells’ for rent spark fears of ‘modern slums’

Plans to transform UK high streets into dorm-style residential areas as developers convert empty shops into tiny shipping container-sized flats New developments sparked concerns UK high streets turning into modern slums Impact of Covid-19 has led to flood of businesses being turned into tiny flats PDR flats are not bound by the minimum space standard … Read more

Covid tests could be picking up DEAD virus cells from weeks’ old infections, says study

Coronavirus tests could be picking up dead virus cells from weeks’ old infections, study finds, meaning ‘false positives’ could lead to an exaggeration of the current scale of the pandemic.   Despite coronavirus only being infectious for around a week, the tests used to diagnose the disease could still show a positive reading for weeks after … Read more