Nicola Sturgeon is accused of using daily Covid briefings as ‘party political broadcasts’

Nicola Sturgeon is using her daily coronavirus press conferences as ‘party political broadcasts’ and a lack of scrutiny of her decisions has allowed her to cultivate a ‘Saint Nicola’ persona in Scotland through the crisis, a leading MSP told MailOnline today. Michelle Ballantyne, Conservative MSP for South Scotland, spoke out as the Prime Minister visited the … Read more

Coronavirus US: Trump resuming briefings due to viewing figures

Donald Trump touted Monday that he will resume the ‘very successful’ briefings on the pandemic after his frequent appearances at the White House Coronavirus Task Force updates ceased. The president insisted that briefings are the best way to update Americans on the coronavirus crisis, especially amid a surge in infection rates, as Trump says he … Read more

I’m bringing back my coronavirus briefings Trump boasts because ‘record numbers of people watched’

Donald Trump touted Monday that he will resume the ‘very successful’ briefings on the pandemic after his frequent appearances at the White House Coronavirus Task Force updates ceased. The president insisted that briefings are the best way to update Americans on the coronavirus crisis, especially amid a surge in infection rates, as Trump says he … Read more

Boris Johnson to introduce White House-style daily televised press briefings

Boris Johnson will introduce White House-style daily televised press briefings with an ‘experienced broadcaster’ fielding questions No10 wants to replace off camera briefing for journalists with a televised one White House-style afternoon events will be hosted by experienced broadcaster Downing Street aims to build on success of daily coronavirus press conferences  By Jack Maidment, Deputy … Read more

How Number 10’s Covid weekend briefings lost 25 million viewers

How viewing figures for No10’s coronavirus briefings have wavered from record highs of 27.5m to lows of 2m viewers as ministers scrap Saturday and Sunday addresses The Government has held daily press briefings on Covid-19 since March 16 Boris Johnson’s both national addresses received around 25 million viewers  Last Sunday, just 2.21 million people tuned … Read more

Senior Tories call for daily No10 coronavirus briefings to be scaled back

‘End the bloody boring daily No10 coronavirus briefings’: Tory MPs say they should be scaled back to once a week to ‘normalise’ the country Daily Downing Street briefings have been held on coroanvirus since mid-March Senior Tories say the government is under pressure to make announcements  Calls for the press conference to be scaled back … Read more

Twitter users sceptical over Government’s Covid-19 briefings

Public Health England’s Prof Yvonne Doyle today insisted nationwide Covid-19 testing is increasing – despite showing a sharp decline since Matt Hancock’s 100,000 a day deadline on April 30.  Addressing this evening’s Downing Street coronavirus press briefing, Prof Doyle said the number of tests have been increasing and this can explain the increase in the … Read more

Two hours on media attacks, 45 minutes on self-congratulation during Trump’s coronavirus briefings

President Trump spends around two hours attacking the media and Democrats during the coronavirus briefings, according to analysis in two reports. According to studies of the press conferences, Trump devotes 45 minutes on average to praising his own response to the crisis, while designating just four-and-a-half minutes to the victims of the pandemic. Both the … Read more

Top Tories join calls to ban Dominic Cummings from coronavirus scientific briefings

Top Tories have joined calls to ban Dominic Cummings from coronavirus scientific briefings. The former Brexit secretary David Davis is among those pushing for Cummings and Ben Warner, an adviser who ran the Tories’ private election computer model, to be prevented from attending future meetings of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage).  Davis said that … Read more

Trump reined in? White House could curtail president’s role in daily briefings

President Donald Trump’s presence at daily coronavirus press briefings may be cut back as the White House looks to prevent him from alienating key voters in November. In the absence of his campaign rallies, the president has relished the opportunity to take the lead during the televised afternoon updates, which have stretched for as long … Read more