Gary Lineker takes £400,000 pay cut and promises to behave himself on Twitter

Gary Lineker was today revealed to still be the BBC’s top earner on £1.75million – but then immediately announced he was taking a pay cut. The BBC released their accounts showing their top talent earning over £150,000 a year at midday. But one minute later its press office announced he had signed a new five-year contract … Read more

Janet Street-Porter says pubs must shut if people can’t behave

Pubs are where you meet people and it’s well documented that at least 90% of all relationships start by getting drunk – usually where alcohol is readily available in unlimited amounts.  Was it a smart move by Boris Johnson to reopen pubs and bars as the weather warmed up and the holiday season (at least … Read more

Google and Facebook behave like ‘monopolies’

A newspaper executive today criticised Google and Facebook for changing search algorithms without telling publishers and warned how they now have ‘all the power’ in online news and advertising. Peter Wright, editor emeritus at DMG Media, MailOnline’s parent company, said the news industry has ‘no idea how they work’ and they ‘behave in the way … Read more

Rainbow fish behave like bullfighters, study says

Rainbow fish behave like matadors by darting away from their predators at the last moment to avoid being eaten, a new study reveals.  The tiny fish, also known as a Trinidadian guppy, spans less than an inch in length. It initially draws the attention of its most common predator – the much larger pike cichlid – … Read more