Matt Hancock warns Covid-19 hospital admissions are doubling every EIGHT days

Matt Hancock today warned the number of coronavirus patients being admitted to hospital is doubling every eight days as he revealed ministers need to ‘take action’ because the outbreak is accelerating. The Health Secretary pleaded with the public to ‘come together to tackle this virus’ and admitted that a new national crackdown could be on … Read more

University of Chicago will only take graduates interested in Black studies for next admissions cycle

University of Chicago’s English Department declares it will only accept applicants interested in working ‘in and with Black studies’ for its next graduate admissions cycle University of Chicago announced in July they’ll only accept students interested in working in and with Black studies  English as a subject, the department says, has provided ‘aesthetic rationalizations for … Read more

Lockdown blow to UK health: Hospital admissions for seven major non-Covid illnesses slump by 173,000

The devastating impact of the lockdown on the nation’s health is laid bare tonight. Shocking figures reveal that admissions for seven deadly non-coronavirus conditions between March and June fell by more than 173,000 on the previous year.  The NHS Digital data for England shows there were nearly 6,000 fewer admissions for heart attacks in March … Read more

Infection rates rise but deaths and hospital admissions remain low

Experts believe coronavirus spreading in lower doses means death tolls and hospital admissions remain low, while daily case totals are high. Social distancing measures mean an infected person would only be able to pass on traces of Covid-19 to another person meaning the virus’s ‘infectious dose’ is lower. Because the newly-infected person would have a … Read more

Hospital admissions for strokes fell by ONE-THIRD during coronavirus lockdowns, study finds 

Fewer people sought medical care for strokes during the height of the coronavirus pandemic compared to the same period last year, a new study dhows.   Researchers found that hospital admissions fell by almost one-third in March and April of 2020 compared to the matching two months in 2019. Additionally, stroke alerts – defined as stroke … Read more

Hospital coronavirus admissions were over-reported at peak of pandemic

The figures of those admitted to hospital for coronavirus during the peak of the pandemic were over-reported, it was revealed last night. People who were suffering from other illnesses were included in data collected to monitor the virus outbreak, according to the Daily Telegraph. The Government’s Science Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage) found that patients … Read more

A-levels U-turn throws university admissions into chaos

University admissions departments now face a ‘major headache’ amid the chaos of a Government U-turn on the way A-level results are awarded – and the scrapping of a temporary cap on how many students they can accept.    English universities had only been allowed to recruit 5% more UK students than their targets this year in … Read more

University admissions are plunged into fresh chaos by major exam U-turn

University admissions departments now face a ‘major headache’ amid the chaos of a Government U-turn on the way A-level results are awarded – and the scrapping of a temporary cap on how many students they can accept.    English universities had only been allowed to recruit 5% more UK students than their targets this year in … Read more

Universities ‘will soften’ admissions rules as 40% of A level grades downgraded

Universities have pledged to ‘soften’ admissions rules with 40 per cent of A-Level results set to be downgraded today – and Gavin Williamson defying calls to scrap the process of ‘standardising’ marks. Hundreds of thousands of students are learning their fate this morning after their courses were blighted by coronavirus, with exams having to be … Read more

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli downsize to a $9.5M home amid college admissions scandal

They are expected to serve jail time later this year for taking part in a college bribery scheme to get their daughters Olivia Jade and Isabella Rose into a top school. But in the mean time, it seems Full House star Lori Loughlin and husband Mossimo Giannulli have decided to downsize when it comes to … Read more