Special constable dies months after being struck by car on duty

Special constable who volunteered for 15 years on the force dies months after suffering life-changing injuries when he was struck by a car while on duty

  • Special constable Resham Singh Nahal was struck by car when on duty last year
  • Mr Nahal suffered life-changing injuries in incident in Oldbury, West Midlands 
  • Post-mortem examination to take place to determine if death relates to injuries

A special constable has died months after suffering life-changing injuries when he was struck by a car in the line of duty.

Resham Singh Nahal was described as an ‘honourable officer’ and a ‘man of great faith’ by West Midlands Chief Constable David Thompson.

Mr Thompson said he had been ‘devastated’ by the special’s death, having only spoken to Mr Nahal a few days before he died about how he could resume his duties.

Resham Singh Nahal was described as an ‘honourable officer’ and a ‘man of great faith’ by West Midlands Chief Constable David Thompson

Mr Nahal was hit while attending another collision in Oldbury, West Midlands just after 10.30pm on November 8 2019.

The special constable of more than 15 years’ service suffered multiple leg fractures as a result.

A post-mortem examination is due to take place to determine if his death relates to his injuries, according to Mr Thompson. 

Mr Thompson said: ‘I was devastated that on 26 June, Special Constable Resham Singh Nahal died at his home.

‘Resham was at home after suffering life changing injuries from an RTC (road traffic collision) when on duty last year.

‘I spoke to him on the Monday on the week of his death and we discussed how he could continue as a Special and how he was recovering.

‘He was an honourable officer and a man of great faith.

‘A post-mortem will determine if his death relates to his injury but the force will honour his service when his funeral can take place.’

The National Sikh Police Association said: ‘We send our sincere condolences to his family, his colleagues and all affected by this tragic loss.’

Mr Nahal was hit while attending another collision in Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury, just after 10.30pm on November 8 2019 [File photo]

Mr Nahal was hit while attending another collision in Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury, just after 10.30pm on November 8 2019 [File photo]