Parents on Twitter tweet hilarious memes about stress of having children at home

‘Alexa, homeschool the children’: Parents joke about stresses and strains of turning their homes into classrooms after coronavirus lockdown


Parents across Britain have resorted to social media to share their frustrations over trying to homeschool their unruly children amid the coronavirus lockdown. 

Today is the first day pupils are expected to learn from home after UK schools closed for the foreseeable future on Friday. 

Millions of stressed out parents are being forced to balance working from home with looking after their children, after the Government ruled that only youngsters whose parents are ‘key workers’ should be allowed to go to school.

Mothers and fathers took to Twitter within hours of the ‘school day’ starting this morning reporting varying degrees of success.

From asking Amazon’s Alexa to create timetables and lessons plans to resorting to ‘drinking on the job’, many parents praised teachers and begged for advice on how to handle the workload.

Here MailOnline takes a look at how parents up and down the UK are coping with the #homeschooling challenge.

Here MailOnline takes a look at how parents up and down the UK are coping with the #homeschooling challenge