Mother who felt she looked like a ‘hideous 200 year old dwarf’ looks gorgeous after a makeover

A mother-of-two who hated the way she looked unveiled a stunning transformation on tonight’s episode of 10 Years Younger in 10 Days. 

Klara, 41, said how she felt insecure about every inch of her body and thought she looked like a ‘200-year-old pot-bellied dwarf’ at the start of the Channel 5 makeover show. 

While her supportive husband Gary said she looked ‘more beautiful than the day they married,’ Klara struggled to believe him and felt embarrassed about her short frame. 

A quick public poll revealed that strangers thought she looked 47 – six years older than she was – and Klara was determined to throw herself into the process.

By the end of a week-and-a-half of treatments and expert tips Klara had beaten her confidence issues and unveiled a stunning new look that left Gary speechless.   

Klara, 41, hated her looks and explained on the Channel 5 makeover 10 Years Younger in 10 Days show that she felt insecure about every inch of her body (pictured before) 

Before the makeover, self-conscious Klara felt she looked like a ‘hideous, 200 year old pot-bellied dwarf,’ and agreed her appearance was not so much the problem as her lack of confidence.  

‘I think improving my confidence about my appearance is really what’s important,’ she said. ‘I’ve always felt like an ugly ducking, I’m insecure about pretty much everything from head to toe: my hair, my spotty skin, face, boobs, belly, bum.’

Gary said he did not share her harsh opinion on her looks.  

‘I’ve never seen Klara look in a mirror, smile, and be happy with who she is,’ he said. ‘She’s more beautiful now than the day I married her, unfortunately, Klara doesn’t see that side of her in any way, shape of form.’

By the end of a week-and-a-half of treatments and expert tips Klara had beaten her confidence issues and unveiled a stunning new look that left her husband speechless. Pictured, after

By the end of a week-and-a-half of treatments and expert tips Klara had beaten her confidence issues and unveiled a stunning new look that left her husband speechless. Pictured, after 

Before the makeover Klara hid her figure in baggy clothes and said she felt she didn’t know how to accessorise or pick out outfits by herself. 

She met with celebrity stylist Gemma Sheppard, who gave her a lesson on how to throw a basic, yet stylish and easy to accomplish looks by playing with layers.

Klara then headed to the practice of Dr Nilam Holmes, who took a closer looks at her skin issues. 

The mother-of-two said she felt ’embarrassed’ that her marked still showed sign of acne while she was a ‘fully grown adult.’

Dr Holmes used a microneedling technique in order to push the skin to repair itself, thus eliminating the marks Klara was unhappy about. 

She then went through a round of intense light machine, which aimed to reduce the pigmentation marks on Klara’s face. 

Klara's son Jamie (pictured) said it was nice to see her so happy as she stepped out in her new look for the first time

Klara’s son Jamie (pictured) said it was nice to see her so happy as she stepped out in her new look for the first time 

Next up she visited hairdresser John Vial, who offered to reshape her beautiful red hair in order to keep it looking bouncy and fresh. 

At the end of the ten-day period, the time had come for Klara and her loved ones to discover her new look.  

Wearing a mint green form-fitting dress and a mane of luscious red hair, the mother-of-two was convinced with the change. 

 I’m speechless, I have said from the start of this process that she’s absolutely stunning anyway but when she stepped out in that dress […] she looks like she’s the front cover of something

‘I look like something out of a magazine,’ she bashfully told the host Cherry Healey. ‘I actually have achieved what I set out to do,’ said Klara, adding she felt more confident about her looks.  

Gary added: ‘I’m speechless, I have said from the start of this process that she’s absolutely stunning anyway but when she stepped out in that dress […] she looks like she’s the front cover of something.’

Their younger son Jamie said it was ‘really nice’ to see her mother look so happy.  

Klara’s update look was once again judged by members of the public, who agreed the mother-of-two looked not a day over 32, 15 years younger than they previously thought, and 11 years younger than her actually age. 

For Klara, this marked a turning page in the history of how she saw herself.  

‘I feel like it could be the beginning of me becoming a new person,’ she said.  ‘Someone who can see myself slightly differently; and the longer I keep working at that, the better it should get,’ she said with a confident smile. 

You can catch 10 Years Younger in 10 Days on My5.