Ex-Chelsea starlet and friend, 17, are jailed for a total of 24 years after horrific knife attack

A young entrepreneur left in a ‘vegetative state’ after a machete attack by a former Chelsea FC star and his friend has contracted the coronavirus.

Douglas Sepouo, 21, was ambushed by 19-year-old Keiano Gooden-Josephs and a teenager when he was walking through Preston Park in Wembley on July 9 last year. 

Ex-Chelsea prodigy Gooden-Josephs and the 17-year-old pounced on him hacking him with a machete as he tried to fend them off in a dispute over drugs.

CCTV of Keiano Gooden-Josephs and a teenager who can’t be named for legal reasons following the victim who they went on to attack with a machete as he tried to fend them off in a dispute over drugs 

Members of the public witnessed the attack and ran over to help after Gooden-Josephs and the boy who cannot be named, ran off, throwing away the blade and sheath.

Devastating internal wounds to Mr Sepouo’s chest left him brain dead after paramedics did all they could to save him.

He was rushed to Northwick Hospital in Harrow, where he remains and has since been placed into isolation having contracted coronavirus, the court was told today.

An Old Bailey jury convicted Gooden-Josephs and his friend of wounding with intent in January of this year.

Judge Sarah Munro QC jailing them for 24 years today and said: ‘The two of you have a long-standing fascination with machete and other lethal knives as was demonstrated by the video on the youth’s phone.

Mobile phone picture of the attackers of Douglas Sepouo fleeing the scene in Preston Park in Wembley on July 9

Mobile phone picture of the attackers of Douglas Sepouo fleeing the scene in Preston Park in Wembley on July 9

‘The two of you attacked Douglas in broad daylight in full view of members of the public. You stabbed him twice. The attacked ceased when a brave member of the public intervened and shouted at you to stop.

‘This case is rightly described as a tragedy. The harm could not be greater. There is a very high chance Douglas will die and no realistic chance of a recovery.’

Both attackers have a previous conviction for possession of a blade while Gooden-Josephs threw away his bloodstained clothes and his phone after the stabbing.

They appeared on video-link at the Old Bailey today wearing tracksuits.

Mr Sepouo had plans to open a business with is friends after studying plumbing.

Alistair Richardson prosecuting said: ‘The latest information is that Douglas remains in the same state.

‘The significant change is he has since contracted coronavirus and as a result is now in isolation and receiving treatment for that.’

Summarising the victim impact statement of the mother, Mr Richardson added: ‘He wasn’t someone who liked to go out partying and liked to spend time at home.

Keiano Gooden-Josephs who was sentenced  to 13 years in a young offenders' institution along with a 17-year-old, who cannot be named because of his age, at the Old Bailey, London

Keiano Gooden-Josephs who was sentenced  to 13 years in a young offenders’ institution along with a 17-year-old, who cannot be named because of his age, at the Old Bailey, London

‘He had hopes for a business with his friends offering different services. She [the mother] refused to give up hope.

‘The hospital told her she was not entitled to make decisions on his behalf.

‘She had to contact lawyers in order to get the intervention of the court to prevent them from ending the treatment with ventilation. She successfully obtained the intervention of the court.

‘He remains on a ventilator and is fed through a breathing tube. He is now able to open his eyes but does not interact or communicate.

‘He remains in a persistent vegetative state, from which he is highly unlikely to ever recover.’

Mr Sepouo has spent nine months in his current state as the court heard his mother has recently contracted the virus as well as the grandfather of Gooden-Josephs.

Mr Richardson added: ‘On 9 July 2019, Douglas Sepouo was the victim of a serious assault.

‘At about 2.40pm these two defendants followed Douglas Sepouo into Preston Park. They were both armed with machetes or similar knives.

‘Having followed Douglas Sepouo, they attacked him as he desperately tried to defend himself, and screamed for help; they, in the words of one witness, ‘hacked’ at him.

‘Together, they hacked at him, one of them stabbing him in the chest with a machete. He was stabbed a number of times.

‘This was a joint attack: an attack they committed together. When members of the public intervened, both ran off, disposing of their weapons as they fled.

‘They left Douglas Sepouo for dead. His injuries were devastating, and he is unlikely to ever recover.

‘Let us be clear at the outset, it would appear too, that Douglas Sepouo was armed.

‘Paramedics found on him a machete sheath, which could fit a machete found nearby in the park.

‘But that does not provide an excuse for these two defendants, armed with machetes, to follow Douglas Sepouo into Preston Park, and attack him, leaving him with life threatening injuries from which he is unlikely to ever recover.’

Gooden-Josephs, of south London was convicted of wounding with intent and possession of the machete.

He was detained for 13 years for wounding and 18 months concurrently for having a knife.

The youth was convicted of wounding with intent was sentenced to 11 years detention and no separate penalty for having a machete.