Chinese company cleaner drinks water from a toilet to prove she does her job well

Chinese cleaner drinks water from a toilet she brushed to prove to her bosses she does her job well

  • Viral footage shows a woman scooping water from a squat toilet in China
  • It also shows her downing the liquid before being applauded by spectators
  • Her firm claimed she had offered to do so to demonstrate her achievement
  • The company billed her as an ‘exemplary employee’ and hailed her devotion

A cleaner has sparked debate in China after being filmed drinking water from a toilet she had brushed to prove her devotion to work.

The sanitation worker offered to do so to show her higher-ups that she had done her job well, according to a report.

Her firm billed her as an ‘exemplary employee’ and praised her dedication.

The footage is reported to have been filmed in a fertiliser company in eastern China's Shandong Province

Trending footage shows a woman fetching water from a squat toilet using a small plastic cup

The news came to light when a video of a young woman consuming toilet water went viral.

The 32-second clip shows the woman dressed in a suit scooping the liquid from a squat toilet with a small plastic cup before gulping it down in front of several people.

She then explained that it was a way for her to encourage herself to work harder and harder.

The spectators, who appeared to be her supervisors, applauded to the woman’s words.

The footage is reported to have been filmed in a fertiliser company in eastern China’s Shandong Province. It has led to heated discussions on Chinese social media platforms, with people debating over the necessity of the employee’s behaviour.

The 32-second clip then shows the woman downing the toilet water without batting an eyelid

She allegedly drank the water in front of her bosses and the company's clients

The 32-second clip also shows the woman downing the toilet water without batting an eyelid

One Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter, one critic claimed that it was not appropriate for the company to promote such behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another person wrote: ‘Ask the bosses to join in.’

A third observer believed that the woman had been forced to do so to meet the company’s cleaning target. ‘It was so hard on the cleaner,’ the person commented.

Others claimed it was ‘insulting’ for the supervisors to let their staff drink water from the toilet.

The woman said in the video that she wanted to encourage herself to work harder and harder

The spectators, who appeared to be her supervisors, applauded to the employee's words

The woman said in the video that she wanted to encourage herself to work harder and harder. The spectators, who appeared to be her supervisors, applauded to the employee’s words

While tap water is not safe to drink in China, the company insisted that the water in its toilets was suitable for ingesting.

It also claimed that the staff member had done so out of her own will.

Speaking to Red Star News, the firm called Zhong Cheng Fertiliser Technology Company lauded the worker, known by her surname Luo. 

It suspected that the footage had been uploaded to the internet by a company client who found Ms Luo’s action ‘curious’.

A spokesperson told the outlet that Ms Luo had drunk toilet water for nearly two years after initially ‘breaking through her psychological barriers’.

The spokesperson claimed Ms Luo intended to encourage herself with the action. 

The company urged all staff to learn from Ms Luo. It said: ‘She is our example. [By doing so, it] shows she does her job to the highest level.’