Boy skates at 15mph propelled by garden leaf blower

Jet power! Ingenious little boy skates down the street at 15mph propelled by a garden leaf blower

  • The young boy is shown hurtling down an empty road, believed to be in the US
  • He also uses the blower to give him more power to skate backwards 
  • The garden devices which can be used to suck or blow, cost as little as £100 

This is the moment a rollerblading youngster boosted his skating talents with a little help from a simple garden leaf blower.

The young boy is shown hurtling down an empty road, believed to be in the US, on his skates clutching a leaf blower by his side which is whirring noisily. 

He grins at the camera as he puts the blower in between his legs as he travels at speeds of up to 15mph.

The skillful skater turns effortlessly around in the road, clearly loving every minute. 

The boy even used the leaf blower to help him skate backwards

The young boy is shown hurtling down an empty road, believed to be in the US, on his skates clutching a leaf blower by his side which is whirring noisily

He also manages to use the blower to help him skate backwards in a circle.

At one point he skates right up to the camera, grinning all the time.

The youngster continues to show off his skills, even crouching down near to the ground, as he zooms past with the leaf blower in hand. 

The video shared on Twitter has attracted 4.5K retweets and over 16K likes to date. 

The footage also attracted a raft of comments. @Mnivla said, ‘That was so cool.’ Another user, @A4C_ATHLETES said ‘GENIUS!!’

@kevinfitz233 said, ‘Wish I’d thought of this when I was younger.’

He crouches down confidently as he hurtles up and down the road

He grins at the camera as he puts the machine in between his legs

He grins at the camera as he puts the blower in between his legs

The garden devices which can be used to suck or blow, cost as little as £100 and are popular with gardeners, especially in the winter time when it come to the tiresome task of clearing fallen leaves.

It’s not the first time, leaf blowers have been used in a resourceful way. Last month a father from Tennesse used a leaf blower to stir up a breeze so his daughter’s kite could take flight. 

Michael Ayers, who served in the U.S. Army bought his daughter Kaylee a new princess kite, and to combat the lack of a breeze, used his leaf blower to propel the kite up in the air.