Boris Johnson says he believes Donald Trump will make a ‘strong recovery’

Boris Johnson (pictured in Whitehall this week) said he texted the US president to send ‘best wishes’ to him and First Lady Melania, after they tested positive for the disease.

Boris Johnson today insisted he believes Donald Trump will make a ‘strong recovery’ from coronavirus.

The PM said he had texted the US president to send ‘best wishes’ to him and First Lady Melania, after they tested positive for the disease.

Mr Trump is said to be suffering only ‘mild’ symptoms, although he is believed to be in the early stages of infection. 

Mr Johnson had a narrow escape after he contracted the virus in March, having to be hospitalised and given oxygen.

There have been persistent questions about his health since, although Mr Johnson is adamant he is as ‘fit as a butcher’s dog’ and has lost weight on a new exercise regime. 

In broadcast interviews this afternoon, Mr Johnson said: ‘Obviously, I think we all want to send our best wishes to the president and the First Lady, and I have done that this morning as you can imagine.

‘I’m sure that they will both stage a very strong recovery.’ 

The president tweeted the news of his diagnosis early this morning, after senior aide Hope Hicks confirmed she had the virus, writing: ‘Tonight, @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!’ 

Mr Trump is 74 years old and is medically classed as ‘obese’, putting him at higher risk of serious complications. 

But a statement from the White House doctor said both the president and first lady are ‘well at this time’ but did not say if either have symptoms.

Donald Trump is said to be suffering only 'mild' symptoms, although he is believed to be in the early stages of infection

Donald Trump is said to be suffering only ‘mild’ symptoms, although he is believed to be in the early stages of infection

Mr Trump is considering a televised address to the nation on Friday after the shocking news he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for the coronavirus. 

White House aides have been discussing ways for the president to be seen in public to reassure Americans he is well and still leading the country.  

Joe Biden, Trump’s 77-year-old opponent, is being tested after the pair faced off at a debate earlier this week. 

He tweeted today: ‘Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.’ 

Vice President Mike Pence has tested negative, as has Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin. It remains unclear whether any other members of the Trump family have been tested, or what the results of those tests are. 

If Trump becomes seriously ill, there are constitutional procedures that would allow Vice President Mike Pence to assume power temporarily, just weeks before the November 3 election.

But if Trump suffers only mild or no symptoms, the president would be able to tout his recovery as evidence that the virus is a less grave threat than many believe. 

Ms Hicks tested positive on Thursday after starting to feel unwell on Wednesday night while traveling back from a rally in Minnesota on Air Force One. 

The President was on the plane with her but she kept a safe distance from him and others when she started experiencing symptoms. 

Last photo before diagnosis: Donald Trump returns to the White House from his helicopter Marine One yesterday afternoon, hours before revealing that he and the first lady had tested positive for Covid-19. He had attended a fundraiser in New Jersey

Last photo before diagnosis: Donald Trump returns to the White House from his helicopter Marine One yesterday afternoon, hours before revealing that he and the first lady had tested positive for Covid-19. He had attended a fundraiser in New Jersey

Hope Hicks, far right, is pictured boarding Marine One on Wednesday. The President was also onboard alongside Stephen Miller, second from right, Jared Kushner, center. Her coronavirus diagnosis was announced the next day

Hope Hicks, far right, is pictured boarding Marine One on Wednesday. The President was also onboard alongside Stephen Miller, second from right, Jared Kushner, center. Her coronavirus diagnosis was announced the next day

White House physician Dr Sean Conley sent a letter to press secretary Kayleigh McEnany saying that the president and first lady were 'well' and promising to keep a 'vigilant watch'

White House physician Dr Sean Conley sent a letter to press secretary Kayleigh McEnany saying that the president and first lady were ‘well’ and promising to keep a ‘vigilant watch’ 

Despite her not feeling well and then testing positive yesterday, Mr Trump pushed on with campaign events and traveled to Bedminster, New Jersey, for an event. Behind the scenes, White House aides scrambled to surround him with people who reduced his exposure. 

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany and social media director Dan Scavino were due to join him in Bedminster but they were replaced because of their close contact with Ms Hicks in the days prior. 

Ms Hicks, 31, is said to have first felt unwell returning from a rally in Minnesota on the president’s plane Wednesday evening. 

She was quarantined away from others on the plane and her diagnosis was confirmed Thursday, according to an administration official.

Mr Trump then continued with his schedule yesterday and traveled to and from his Bedminster, New Jersey golf resort to take part in two campaign events. 

He flew back to the White House on Thursday evening, when it was publicly confirmed Hicks had the virus. 

Hours later, Mr Trump and Melania shared their own diagnoses on social media.  

First Lady Melania, 50, tweeted: ‘As too many Americans have done this year, @potus & I are quarantining at home after testing positive for COVID-19. 

‘We are feeling good & I have postponed all upcoming engagements. 

‘Please be sure you are staying safe & we will all get through this together.’