Animal lovers flood Twitter with #dogsduringlockdown

Animal lovers flood Twitter with #dogsduringlockdown pictures of beloved pets who are helping them through coronavirus crisis (even though going for walkies might be a bit difficult)

  •  Owners are using the hashtag: #dogsduringlockdown to share photos
  • Owners report their pets happier with all the family at home rather than at work
  •  Dog owners are also advised only to take their pets to the vet if it’s urgent

Dog owners all over Britain have been taking to social media to share sweet pictures of their beloved pooches with the hashtag: #dogsduringlockdown. 

Some owners have reported their pets are much happier with all the family at home rather than at work or school. 

With more free time on their hands, plenty are now sharing pictures of their dogs on their daily walks or playing in their gardens. 

Just like their owners dogs are enjoying the good weather too.  

People who own dogs are only allowed to take their dogs out with them when they do their daily exercise according to official guidelines. 

Dog owners are also advised only to take their pets to the vet if it’s urgent.  

Christina (@LadyCarus) tweeted: Buddy really is enjoying his time with his family. He frets when we are all working and at school. I think he may have started this on purpose

Harry the Lhaso Apso tweeted: Happy Good Friday folks! Hope you’re having fun and keeping safe! #dogsduringlockdown #DogsOfTheQuarantine

Harry the Lhaso Apso tweeted: Happy Good Friday folks! Hope you’re having fun and keeping safe! #dogsduringlockdown #DogsOfTheQuarantine

Gillian Szparman tweeted: Archie more than happy to have his hoomans home #dogsduringlockdown

Gillian Szparman tweeted: Archie more than happy to have his hoomans home #dogsduringlockdown

Mr B tweeted: Holly giving me evils because she wants to go out, but it’s too hot. #dogsoftwitter #dogsduringlockdown #dirset

Mr B tweeted: Holly giving me evils because she wants to go out, but it’s too hot. #dogsoftwitter #dogsduringlockdown #dirset

Black Labrador Paws for Review tweeted: Mum can I just remind you who is in charge here! Let me just check over your work #Dog #dogsduringlockdown

Black Labrador Paws for Review tweeted: Mum can I just remind you who is in charge here! Let me just check over your work #Dog #dogsduringlockdown

Penny Pupstar & Angel Charli-brown tweeted: #GoodFriday2020 #thankyou #dogsduringlockdown for staying home and keeping us safe go on our morning walkies

Penny Pupstar & Angel Charli-brown tweeted: #GoodFriday2020 #thankyou #dogsduringlockdown for staying home and keeping us safe go on our morning walkies 

Nigel Larkin tweeted: If you ever need to know where the #Lurcher is, look for the comfiest place in the house. #DogsDuringLockdown

Nigel Larkin tweeted: If you ever need to know where the #Lurcher is, look for the comfiest place in the house. #DogsDuringLockdown

Aphrodite's Offspring tweeted: Dear Diary, Third week of lockdown. Filled the dog with helium...

Aphrodite’s Offspring tweeted: Dear Diary, Third week of lockdown. Filled the dog with helium…

John Edwards tweeted: Walking the dog on a beautiful #EasterWeekend what could be better?

John Edwards tweeted: Walking the dog on a beautiful #EasterWeekend what could be better?

Government advice on exercising dogs if you do not have symptoms of coronavirus

According to, you may leave your house to exercise once a day and you should combine this with walking your dog. 

In doing so, it is important that you minimise the time spent outside of the home and remain 2 metres away from anyone outside of your household.

All non-essential trips to vets should be avoided. 

If your pet needs urgent treatment, you may take them, but must remember to wash your hands and remain 2 metres away from anyone outside your household. 

You must call the vet before going to see them.