90% of Victoria’s coronavirus cases can be traced back to just ONE hotel

* June 1 – Man returns from overseas and enters mandatory hotel quarantine. On the same day, he becomes symptomatic.

* June 3 – Man tested for COVID-19, diagnosed with the virus the following day.

*June 10 – Staff member becomes symptomatic.

* June 11 – A couple returns from overseas and enters mandatory hotel quarantine. On the same day, one of them becomes symptomatic. The second becomes symptomatic the following day.

* June 14 – Staff member diagnosed with COVID-19. The couple is tested for the virus.

* June 15 to 16 – Couple diagnosed with COVID-19.

* By July 13 – A total of 46 people have been epidemiologically linked to to the Stamford Plaza outbreak are diagnosed with COVID-19. They are either workers at the hotel or household contacts of staff members.

* Subsequent genomic sequencing concludes the outbreak consists of two distinct chains of transmission. One cluster arose from the overseas traveller from June 1, the other from the couple from June 11.

* To date, the DHHS has received genomic sequencing reports of 35 of the 46 cases epidemically linked to the outbreak.

* No links found between the cases in the Rydges hotel outbreak and Stamford Plaza outbreak.

Source: Witness statement of Dr Charles Alpren, epidemiologist at the Department of Health and Human Services.