Urgent appeal as little girl is found wandering the streets in Brent

Police issue urgent appeal after young girl is found wandering streets of northwest London and is unable to tell officers her name, age or address

  • Little girl was found wandering the street in Wembley, North West London today
  • Police searching for girl’s parents or guardians after she was found by a stranger
  • She is being looked after by police officers until they can get her home safely  

Police are desperately trying to find the parents of a young girl who was found wandering the streets of Wembley alone tonight.

The youngster, who was found by a stranger just before 9pm this evening, has not been able to tell police her name or address.

She was found in Byron Road, close to North Wembley train station.  

Met Police in Wembley, North West London, are trying to find the parents or guardians of this little girl, who was found wandering the streets alone on Monday evening

A Met Police spokesman said: ‘Police have been making enquiries to trace her family but so far they have not been located.

‘The child is not able to communicate her name or address to officers.

‘She is safe and well and being looked after by officers.’

Officers have released a picture of the little girl in a bid to try and find someone who knows her.

In the picture she is wearing a blue floral dress and has dark hair. 

Metropolitan Police’s Twitter account for the borough of Brent has tweeted her picture – which has now been shared more than 300 times. 

When one Twitter user asked why they were sharing her image, MPS Brent replied: ‘Quite frankly reuniting this child with their family is more important than exposing identity. The child is now safe with officers but we’d like to get her home!’

Anyone who recognises her is asked to call 101 ref CAD 7750/15 June.