Trump’s mother was ‘never the same’ after emergency surgery

Donald Trump’s mother Mary Anne was ‘never the same’ after she had an emergency hysterectomy, with her absence creating a ‘void in the lives of her children’, the President’s niece claims in her tell-all book. 

The impact was ‘especially dire’ for her youngest sons Donald and Robert, who were two-and-a-half years old and nine months old at the time, according to the memoir obtained by 

Donald’s sister Maryanne had found their mother unconscious nine months after Robert’s birth in 1948. She was rushed to a hospital to have a hysterectomy due to complications from the delivery. A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus and may also include the removal of the cervix and ovaries. 

Matriarch Mary’s absence caused a schism in the Trump family and led to Donald becoming the man he is, writes the President’s niece Mary in her new book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.

Mary, 55, is the daughter of Trump’s late older brother Fred Jr, who died in 1981 due to alcoholism, and her explosive tell-all memoir about her uncle will be out July 14. 

Donald Trump’s mother Mary Anne was ‘never the same’ after she had to have an emergency hysterectomy, with her absence creating a ‘void in the lives of her children’, the President’s niece claims in her tell-all book. President Trump with his mother in 1977; Mary Anne died in 2000 before he became president but after he was a celebrity businessman

The impact was 'especially dire' for her youngest sons Donald (far left) and Robert (center), who were at the time two and a half years old and nine months old, respectively. Donald's sister Maryanne (second from right) had found their mother unconscious. She was rushed to a hospital to have a hysterectomy due to complications from Robert's birth

The impact was ‘especially dire’ for her youngest sons Donald (far left) and Robert (center), who were at the time two and a half years old and nine months old, respectively. Donald’s sister Maryanne (second from right) had found their mother unconscious. She was rushed to a hospital to have a hysterectomy due to complications from Robert’s birth

Mary Trump last month

Cover of Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World¿s Most Dangerous Man

Mary, 55, is the daughter of Trump’s deceased older brother Fred Jr, who died in 1981 due to alcoholism and is releasing the damning tell-all memoir about her uncle.   In the bombshell book, Mary offers insight into Donald’s childhood and compares the relationship between Fred Sr and Donald to Dr Frankenstein and Dr Frankenstein’s monster

In the bombshell book, Mary offers insight into Donald’s childhood and compares the relationship between Fred Sr and Donald to Dr Frankenstein and Dr Frankenstein’s monster. 

Mary writes that Donald’s mother and father were ‘problematic parents from the very beginning’. 

Her grandmother rarely spoke about her own upbringing in Scotland but she was the youngest of 10 children, as Mary suspects she did not get enough attention.

Mary writes she was ‘the kind of mother who used her children to comfort herself rather than comforting them’.

The book states: ‘She attended to them when it was convenient for her, not when they needed her to. Often unstable and needy, prone to self-pity and flights of martyrdom, she often put herself first. 

‘Especially when it came to her sons, she acted as if there was nothing she could do for them’.

When matriarch Mary Anne withdrew from the family after her surgery, workaholic Fred Sr became the children’s main caretaker, but refused to cut back his hours. 

Neglected, Mary claims Donald ‘suffered deprivations that would scar him for life.’

Mary calls Fred Sr a ‘high functioning sociopath’, marked by a lack of empathy, a facility for lying and a lack of interest in others.

The greater Donald and Robert’s distress, the ‘more Fred Sr rebuffed them’, Mary claims.

As a result ‘needing’ became equated with humiliation and despair’ in Donald’s mind.

Mary writes that Donald¿s mother and father were ¿problematic parents from the very beginning¿. Pictured: Donald with his mother and father in 1992

Mary writes that Donald’s mother and father were ‘problematic parents from the very beginning’. Pictured: Donald with his mother and father in 1992

Mary wrote that her grandmother complained that Donald was a 'slob' and Fred Sr let him 'get away with murder. She wrote in her book that her grandmother complained that Donald 'was such a slob. At school he got medals for neatness then when he came home he was still such a slob!' Pictured: Donald in his military uniform with his parents

Mary wrote that her grandmother complained that Donald was a ‘slob’ and Fred Sr let him ‘get away with murder. She wrote in her book that her grandmother complained that Donald ‘was such a slob. At school he got medals for neatness then when he came home he was still such a slob!’ Pictured: Donald in his military uniform with his parents

Mary describes how when Donald was a boy he used to hide Robert’s favorite Tonka trucks and pretended he had no idea where they were.

The last time he did it, Robert had a tantrum and Donald threatened to pull them apart if he didn’t stop making noise.

Their mother responded by hiding the trucks in the attic, effectively punishing Robert for something that Donald did. 

As the years went on, Donald’s mother Mary Anne believed it was Fred Sr’s fault for his behavior, saying he could ‘get away with murder’. 

The matriarch was reflecting with her granddaughter Mary while recovering in a hospital after she was brutally mugged while loading her shopping into her Rolls Royce in 1991.  

With a fractured pelvis and several broken bones, she reflected on Donald’s childhood with consternation.

Around this time, Donald’s casino empire in New Jersey had collapsed and his first marriage to Ivana was crumbling. 

Around this time, Donald¿s casino empire in New Jersey had collapsed and his first marriage to Ivana was crumbling. Pictured: Donald with Ivana and his parents in 1987

Around this time, Donald’s casino empire in New Jersey had collapsed and his first marriage to Ivana was crumbling. Pictured: Donald with Ivana and his parents in 1987 

Mary Anne told her granddaughter Mary: ‘Poor Donald. He was always like this. 

‘When he went to the military academy I was so relieved. He didn’t listen to anyone, especially me and he tormented Robert. 

‘He was such a slob. At school he got medals for neatness then when he came home he was still such a slob!’

She shook her head as she went on: ‘He never listened to me. And your grandfather (Fred Sr) didn’t care. Donald got away with murder’.  

Mary writes that Fred Sr did not handle his wife’s illnesses well and he never missed a day of work, even when she was near death.

Mary is the

Mary is the child of Fred Trump Jr, the President’s older brother who died in 1981 after struggling with alcoholism

Whenever she was suffering he would tell her: ‘Everything’s great. Right Toots? You just have to think positive’ and then walk out.

Sometimes Mary, his wife, would say: ‘Yes Fred’ and clench her jaw to stop herself from crying.

Mary reveals that her grandmother turned against her when she sued for more of her grandfather’s estate after Fred Sr died in 1999. 

She received a call from her grandmother who told her ‘you’d better not’ file a lawsuit. The elderly grandmother added: ‘Do you know what your father was worth when he died? A whole lot of nothing’, referring to her eldest son Fred Jr.

Then she hung up.

Other bombshells from Mary’s book include that she believes her uncle is not only a narcissist, but ‘meets the criteria for antisocial personality disorder, which in its most severe form is generally considered sociopathy’. 

She also alleges Donald paid a friend to take his SATs for him in order to attend the University of Pennsylvania for its famous Wharton School of Business. 

And in another chapter, Mary claims her uncle ogled her when she was 29 years old and in a swimsuit at Mar-a-Lago, with Donald allegedly saying: ‘Holy s**t, Mary, you’re stacked!’