Take RAT! Two rodents trade blows like boxers while bemused cat looks on

Take RAT! Two rodents trade blows like boxers while bemused cat looks on

  • Two rats were spotted standing on their back legs to fight in Bedok, Singapore
  • A bemused cat lurked in the corner and watched the hilarious ‘boxing’ bout 
  • Cheez Goh filmed the hilarious tussle as she was walking back to her flat

Two rats were spotted trading blows in a hilarious fistfight under a block of flats, apparently oblivious to the cat watching them.

Cheez Goh was walking back to her flat in Bedok, Singapore, when she spotted two rats chasing each other on the evening of July 8.

She immediately started filming the fight, which became more bizarre when a cat stopped to watch the rodents. 

The tiny rodents delivered quick-fire jabs like professional boxers during the bizarre tussle

Cheez Goh filmed two rats trading blows in a hilarious fistfight when she was walking to her flat in Bedok, Singapore. The rodents delivered quick-fire jabs like boxers during the tussle

A bemused cat lurked in a corner watching the two rodents punch one another apparently oblivious to its presence

A bemused cat lurked in a corner watching the two rodents punch one another apparently oblivious to its presence

In the video, the two rats roll across the floor in an animated fight as a cat lurks in the corner eyeing up its prey.

But the cat does not pounce on the rodents and instead seems frozen in bemusement at the unusual boxing spree taking place.

The two rats both stand on their back legs and deliver quick-fire jabs like professional boxers, attempting to gain the upper-hand in the fight.

But they soon abandon their boxing match and scarper off in opposite directions – potentially being scared away by the quiet cat lurking in the corner. 

Cheez said the cat charged towards one of the rats after the fight ended but the rodent quickly slipped into a drain and the cat missed its chance. 

Cheez said: ‘The two rats just gave up and went separate ways. One ran away from the camera, one came towards the camera where I was standing. It didn’t seem to notice I was filming the process and ran towards me. 

Cheez did not see how the bizarre scrap started, but came across the two rats already engaged in an amusing punch-up

The two rodents eventually gave up on their lively fistfight and scarpered off in opposite directions

The two rodents eventually gave up on their lively fistfight and scarpered off in opposite directions as the cat still stood frozen in the corner, missing its chance to catch the rats

‘I freaked out as it was approaching me, causing a sudden movement. The rat then ran for its life and that’s when the cat saw that the rat was running and charged towards it. However, the cat missed because the rat went under the drain. The rat was really fast!’

But Cheez didn’t see how the hilarious tussle started. 

She added: ‘They were already running around upon me reaching my block because I heard some sounds.’ 

Cheez shared the amusing video on Facebook, where it has been viewed more than 145,000 times, leaving users in hysterics at the unexpected fistfight.

One said: ‘Omg what a rare sight!! Standing tall and they obviously not bothered with you.’