Melania Trump WON’T give successor Jill Biden tour of White House

Melania Trump has left a final snub on incoming first lady Jill Biden – not giving her successor a tour of the family wing of the White House. A spokesperson for Biden confirmed the lack of outreach to, another sign of tension between the outgoing and incoming administrations. ‘Melania Trump will become the first modern … Read more

Boris Johnson warns EU he ‘won’t hesitate’ to bypass Brexit rules to keep NI supermarkets stocked

Boris Johnson sent a clear warning to the EU that he would bypass Brexit trade rules between Britain and Northern Ireland as he blamed ‘bureaucracy’ for empty supermarket shelves in Ulster. The Prime Minister said ‘teething problems’ were to blame for a lack of fresh fruit and vegetables in Ulster in the past weeks – … Read more

STEPHEN GLOVER: Pangolin barbs from Boris Johnson won’t stop China treating us with scorn 

At the turn of the 20th century, the question that most preoccupied British policymakers was: What do we do about Germany? The answer turned out to be two world wars, the collapse of British power and the rise of two new superpowers — the Soviet Union and the United States. The German problem was eventually … Read more

Covid UK: Patrick Vallance says death rate won’t ‘reduce quickly’

Britain is in for a ‘pretty grim period’ for Covid deaths which won’t fall for ‘some weeks’, the Government’s top scientist warned today – after the UK recorded its deadliest day yet with 1,564 confirmed fatalities.  Department of Health figures show the daily laboratory-confirmed death toll has risen 50 per cent week-on-week, with data suggesting the … Read more

Alex Salmond won’t appear in front of harassment complaints committee

Alex Salmond declines invitation to give evidence to MSPs investigating Scottish government’s botched handling of harassment complaints against him Alex Salmond rejected invitation to appear in front of the complaints committee Former first minister said rejection was due to Covid ‘public health concerns’  It comes amid tightening of Covid restrictions by first minister Nicola Sturgeon  … Read more

Covid UK: Boots and Superdrug won’t start vaccinations til THURSDAY

Britain’s High Street pharmacies won’t start dishing out coronavirus vaccines until Thursday, it was revealed today amid mounting pressure on Boris Johnson to launch round-the-clock inoculations. Superdrug and Boots will only have one site ready to dish out vaccines when the roll-out is finally expanded later this week, with dozens more sites on standby to ramp … Read more

Kate Mara confirms that there wont’ be any more seasons of her controversial Hulu drama A Teacher

Kate Mara confirms that there wont’ be any more seasons of her controversial Hulu drama A Teacher By Rachel Mcgrath For Published: 07:39 GMT, 11 January 2021 | Updated: 07:41 GMT, 11 January 2021 She played a high school teacher who had a sexual relationship with one of her students in Hulu’s A Teacher. … Read more

Keir Starmer U-turns on EU freedom of movement saying he WON’T try to bring it back

Keir Starmer U-turns on EU freedom of movement saying he WON’T try to bring it back because the ‘British people would expect us to make Brexit work’ if Labour wins the next election He ran for Labour leadership vowing to bring back freedom of movement But today he said a Labour Government elected in 2024 … Read more

Trump returns to Twitter to say he WON’T attend Biden inauguration

Donald Trump announced Friday he won’t be going to Joe Biden’s inauguration ceremony on January 20th, while his remaining aides and allies have described him as a ‘total monster’ and ‘mad King George’ as his presidency ends in chaos. Trump isolated himself from his staff and the Republican Party, holed up in the Oval Office … Read more

Covid: UK approves Moderna vaccine but won’t get any until MARCH

Britain today approved Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine – but won’t be able to get any of the 17million doses it has bought until March at the earliest.  Moderna’s Covid jab is the third to be given the green light by regulators in the UK, joining the vaccines made by Pfizer/BioNTech and Oxford University/AstraZeneca.  Health Secretary Matt … Read more