Why being positive keeps you slim: Psychologist explains how your mindset is linked to weight loss

Nearly three-quarters of men and 60 percent of women are overweight or obese in the US, and roughly 60 percent of all British adults.   That means most UK and US adults have high risks of of depression, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and premature death. In a bid to curb the obesity … Read more

Woman claims doctors accused her of ‘secretly eating’ due to condition which led to 8st weight gain

An avid swimmer claims doctors accused her of ‘secret eating’ when a medical condition saw her pile on eight stone of fat. Clodagh Moane was only diagnosed with lipoedema in January, after spending 18 months trying to convince doctors the extra fat was not her fault. Her legs and arms started to balloon in 2017, … Read more