Huge spinning waterspout looms over the Bristol Channel as storms batter Britain

Britain faces a further month’s worth of rain in just three hours today after intense thunderstorms battered the country over the weekend, forcing people to flee their homes and evacuate supermarkets. A huge funnel cloud appeared over the Bristol Channel yesterday which appeared to create a spray from the sea, while an extraordinary ‘microburst’ storm … Read more

Huge spinning waterspout looms over the ocean off Thailand as beachgoers swim

What are they and why do they form? Waterspouts are whirling columns of air and water mist. They form when cumulus clouds grow rapidly. These clouds are detached, fluffy-looking and cauliflower-shaped. Cumulus clouds develop due to convection. This is when hot air rises and cools to form water vapour, which then condenses to form clouds.  … Read more