Jeremy Vine posts photo of his jeans but Twitter users can’t get past his feet

‘Sideshow Bob wants his shoes back Jeremy!’: BBC presenter Vine posts photo of his ripped jeans but Twitter users can’t stop staring at his outsized FEET Vine was showcasing jeans which he slipped into after his trousers got drenched Social media users said he should be more concerned about his ‘clown shoes’ The size of … Read more

SARAH VINE: Why can’t they see this crisis is about people, not numbers? 

Unlike many of the epidemiologists and statisticians the pandemic has forced into our lives, I make no claim to being a scientist. I don’t for one second pretend to know anything about the virus, and I can’t decipher a graph to save my life. One thing I am, however, is a keen observer of human … Read more

SARAH VINE: Sasha Swire is happy to spread scandal… but I hope she’s got her tin hat on

I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I’ve met Sasha Swire, the wife of former Tory MP Hugo Swire whose sensational memoir, Diary of an MP’s Wife, was the subject of an interview with her this weekend I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of … Read more

Michael Gove’s wife Sarah Vine defends her difference of opinion over Covid-19

It’s sexist to say I have to think the same as my husband, says Michael Gove’s wife Sarah Vine… after she argued that Britons should get on with their lives during Covid – while he was the driving force behind ‘rule of six’ Michael Gove and his wife Sarah Vine have different views on Covid-19 … Read more

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: Jeremy Vine says he was warned not to smile during BBC pay row

Ebullient broadcaster Jeremy Vine achieved notoriety when it emerged that his BBC pay dwarfed that of his colleagues — £700,000-£750,000 in a single year. But only now has it emerged quite how sensitive the Beeb’s bigwigs were once this became public knowledge. Indeed, I can disclose that they went as far as giving Vine — … Read more

SARAH VINE: Don’t dare to blame childless women for the social care crisis 

My mother once said to me that if anyone thought for more than five minutes about the reality of having children — the sleepless nights, the cost, the worry — humanity would grind to a halt. It was a throwaway remark I’ve never forgotten. Indeed, it may even have informed my decision to have children … Read more

SARAH VINE says the chaos and incompetence over this week’s A-level results is the final betrayal

When my son sat GCSE mocks a few weeks into the spring term, I didn’t pay much attention — nor, I rather fear, did he. He was doing two of them early, in strong subjects for him: history and PE. His plan — like that of so many teenagers — was to treat the mocks … Read more

Jeremy Vine reveals he suffered a stress-related burnout

Jeremy Vine reveals he suffered a stress-related burnout ten years ago due to ‘a stalker, working five jobs’ and ‘parenting two young children’ – and admits he was ‘not in a good place’ TV Presenter Jeremy Vine, 55, opened up about going through a burnout in 2010 Working ‘five jobs,’ parenting and being victim of stalker … Read more

Sarah Vine: Our fifties are a blast because we simply don’t give a damn

Good news: the Government has finally cleared up the confusion about whether or not over-50s will be locked down (or up, depending on your point of view) in the event of a second wave. It turns out we won’t be. This comes as a relief not only for people like me, aged 53, with a … Read more