Donald Trump is BANNED from Facebook for 24 hours and Twitter for 12 hours

Twitter has suspended Donald Trump’s account for 12 hours and for the first time deleted his tweets after he praised the mob who stormed Congress and said he ‘loved’ them. YouTube and Facebook also followed suit in removing the posts, with Facebook also blocking Trump from their platform for 24 hours. One of the deleted … Read more

US Capitol riots: Mike Pence – not Trump called in National Guard

White House National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien issued a statement Wednesday praising Vice President Mike Pence as a ‘genuinely fine and decent man’ after President Trump once again went after him. The praise for Pence, which was not otherwise explained, came as President Donald Trump issued bizarre statements asking a mob of supporters who invaded … Read more

US Capitol riots: Giuliani demanded ‘trial by combat’ hours earlier

President Donald Trump and his allies rallied with thousands of supporters near the White House Wednesday shortly before Congress was to begin counting the electoral votes that will make Joe Biden the next president. Hours after a humiliating defeat in one Georgia Senate race and the prospect of losing another, Team Trump showed no sign … Read more

Top Democrat Hakeem Jeffries says Trump impeachment ‘on the table’

The invasion of the Capitol by Trump supporters has reignited Democratic impeachment efforts, with the clock ticking on Trump’s last two weeks in office.  Three ‘squad’ members called for Trump’s impeachment on Wednesday – and a key Democratic leader didn’t rule out the idea. ‘Impeach,’ wrote Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.).  ‘When I say all options … Read more

Donald Trump gets 12-hour Twitter BAN and YouTube deletes video

BREAKING NEWS: Donald Trump is BANNED from Twitter for the next 12 hours as it deletes his tweets for the first time ever and YouTube removes his video Twitter Wednesday night announced that Trump’s account is locked for 12 hours Twitter also removed three of the president’s tweets for the first time YouTube and Facebook … Read more

US Capitol Riots: Arizona QAnon supporter leads pro-Trump mob

A longtime Arizona QAnon supporter dressed in fur and a horned helmet was among the violent mob of Donald Trump supporters who stormed the US Capitol Wednesday, put their feet up at Nancy Pelosi’s desk and scratched their balls in her office – sending the seat of the federal government into lockdown and temporarily halting … Read more

Republican congressman slams Donald Trump for ‘banana republic c**p’

A Republican representative lashed out at President Donald Trump Wednesday for not calling off the protesters who descended on the Capitol building Wednesday, claiming it’s some ‘banana republic crap.’ Congressman Mike Gallagher posted a video to Twitter on Wednesday afternoon saying: ‘Right now I am sheltered in place in my office because we have protesters … Read more

US Capitol riots: Joe Biden calls pro-Trump protests ‘insurrection’

Joe Biden calls Trump mob storming Congress ‘an insurrection’ and blames Donald Trump for ‘stoking the flames of hate and chaos’ in address to the nation just before president tells supporters ‘we love you, go home now’ President-elect Joe Biden told President Donald Trump to order his ‘extremist mob’ out of the U.S. Capitol, labeling … Read more

Pro-Trump protests hit Kansas, Oregon, California and Georgia

Militia members have gathered outside the Georgia Capitol and pro-Trump protesters have reportedly infiltrated the the Kansas statehouse, as riots over the president’s election loss erupt nationwide. Violence broke out in Washington DC Wednesday after thousands of Trump supporters breached security perimeters at the Capitol with lawmakers inside the House Chamber urged to put on … Read more

Minneapolis calls for extra police to help fight violent crime wave

Minneapolis is scrambling to draft in cops from outside the city’s force to help fight a wave of violent crime just months after it began moves to defund its police. The city is pleading for reinforcements from the sheriff’s office and the transit authority to help respond to a surge in violent 911 calls. It comes … Read more