US Election 2020: Joe Biden expected to win narrow Nevada victory

Biden is expected to win in Nevada despite having less than 1% lead over Trump and the final results are not expected until later today – but Trump files lawsuit to halt the count Results from the state were originally expected late on election night with Joe Biden currently up 0.6% But officials stopped reporting … Read more

US Election 2020: Biden’s lead in Arizona narrows to 68,000 votes

Democrat Joe Biden’s lead in Arizona has narrowed to just 68,000 votes after a new batch of absentee ballots heavily favored Republican President Donald Trump, giving new life to the Trump camp’s theory that a victory is still possible. Trump won the batches of some 140,000 additional ballots from Maricopa County counted Wednesday and early … Read more

Pro-Trump protesters force Arizona polling station to close

The results of the US election are still unclear today after Joe Biden’s lead in the swing state of Arizona was slashed – even as he edged towards victory in other states where Donald Trump issued lawsuits to try and stop him.  Armed pro-Trump protesters descended on a counting center in Maricopa County, Arizona, late … Read more

US Election 2020: Polls missed ‘silent voters’ yet again

When will I ever learn? All I can say in my defence is that I’m not alone. In common with pretty well every pundit on both sides of the Atlantic, I assumed Joe Biden would trounce Donald Trump. The polls uniformly predicted a Biden landslide. On the eve of the election, a ten-point lead for … Read more

Trump voters chanting ‘Stop the Vote’ storm Detroit counting hall

Donald Trump supporters chanting ‘stop the vote’ stormed a Detroit counting hall Wednesday afternoon as the president sued Michigan for not providing ‘meaningful access’ to counting locations and Joe Biden won the crucial swing state. The TCF Center in downtown Detroit boarded up its windows and shuttered its doors after hundreds of poll watchers descended … Read more

US Election 2020: Have the polls got it wrong AGAIN?

Early results from several key battleground states show President Donald Trump running further ahead than suggested in polls that had placed them in Joe Biden’s column, suggesting the ‘hidden Trump vote’ may again play a role in the presidential election. Final polls ahead of the election from Quinnipiac, Reuters/Ipsos and CNBC/Change showed Biden leading in … Read more

Donald Trump praises family in last rally of campaign in Michigan

President Donald Trump told his crowd of supporters in Michigan not to make him cry as they repeatedly chanted ‘we love you’ last night as he wrapped up his pitch for a second term in the White House with his adult children at his side. ‘Don’t make me cry, don’t make me cry,’ Trump, who was … Read more

Biden secures first Election Day victory while Trump takes second in two New Hampshire towns

Joe Biden secured the first Election Day victory while Trump took the second as two tiny New Hampshire towns with a combined population of 26 announced the first US results just after midnight.  Dixville Notch posted its final tally – with all five votes going to Biden – on a handwritten poster board at 12.03am … Read more

Election 2020: Trump battles with microphone on fourth rally of day

President Donald Trump battled problems with his microphone at his fourth rally of the day on Monday. The sound on his microphone was so low it was nearly impossible to hear him speak when he addressed supporters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. ‘Turn it up. Turn it up,’ the crowd of a few thousand shouted. ‘Can you … Read more

Pollster who predicted 2016 result gives Trump lead in swing states

As most major national polls show Joe Biden with a commanding lead over Donald Trump going into Election Day, a small group of pollsters have cautioned that ‘shy’ Trump voters could pave the president’s way to victory.    Among those suggesting that the Trump’s prospects are being understated is Robert Cahaly of The Trafalgar Group, one … Read more