US coronavirus deaths pass Trump’s ‘best case’ scenario of 60,000 and start rising faster

Trump on US death toll  April 10 – ‘ ‘The minimum number was 100,000 lives, and I think we’ll be substantially under that number,’ he said April 10. ‘Hard to believe that if you had 60,000 – you could never be happy, but that’s a lot fewer than we were originally told and thinking.’ April 20 … Read more

Two hours on media attacks, 45 minutes on self-congratulation during Trump’s coronavirus briefings

President Trump spends around two hours attacking the media and Democrats during the coronavirus briefings, according to analysis in two reports. According to studies of the press conferences, Trump devotes 45 minutes on average to praising his own response to the crisis, while designating just four-and-a-half minutes to the victims of the pandemic. Both the … Read more

Birx says she’s bothered Trump’s disinfectant comments are ‘still in the news cycle’

Dr. Deborah Birx calls out the press for ‘slicey and dicey’ headlines and says she’s bothered that Donald Trump’s disinfectant comments are ‘still in the news cycle’ Dr. Deborah Birx critiqued the media in recent interviews, saying Sunday she didn’t believe President Trump’s comments on disinfectant should still be news  ‘I think it bothers me … Read more

PIERS MORGAN: President Trump’s batsh*t crazy coronavirus ‘cure’ theories are going to kill people

SHUT THE F**K UP, PRESIDENT TRUMP. Seriously. Throughout this coronavirus crisis, the leader of the free world has turned the daily White House task force briefing into a rambling two-hour self-promoting rally. He’s devoted large chunks of them to trashing the media, attacking political opponents, telling us how great he is, and re-writing history as … Read more

GMB’s Dr Hilary Jones mocks Donald Trump’s idea to inject people with disinfectant

‘I’ve heard some crazy things in my life but this is probably one of the craziest’: GMB’s Dr Hilary Jones mocks Donald Trump’s idea to inject people with disinfectant or blast them with light to beat coronavirus Donald Trump suggested injecting people with disinfectant to fight coronavirus  Dr Hilary Jones called the president ‘completely and … Read more

Coronavirus: WHO chief hits back at Donald Trump’s claims

December 31 – China first reports a cluster of unusual pneumonia cases in Wuhan to the WHO January 4 – WHO tweets about ‘a cluster of pneumonia cases’ in Wuhan with no deaths, saying investigations into the cause are underway January 5 – The WHO issues its first guidance on ‘pneumonia of unknown cause’, saying … Read more

Democrat governors resist Trump’s calls to ‘liberate’ amid huge protests

The Democratic governors from Minnesota, Washington and New York are resisting Donald Trump’s calls to ‘liberate’ their states and slammed the president for his encouragement of protesters who have flouted social distancing rules and taken to the streets to demand lockdowns end.  Minnesota’s Democratic Governor Walz clapped back at Trump’s call to ‘liberate’ the state … Read more

Trump’s Florida properties furlough 713 workers due to the coronavirus pandemic 

PROPOSED STATE OR REGIONAL ‘GATING’ CRITERIA  These are the tests which have to be passed in a state or collection of states to allow them to move from lockdown to phase one SYMPTOMS Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses (ILI) reported within a 14-day period  AND  Downward trajectory of covid-like syndromic cases reported within a 14-day period … Read more

Trump’s new chief of staff Mark Meadows has ‘cried in meetings and is overwhelmed’

President Donald Trump’s chief of staff is said to be ‘overwhelmed’ by his new role in the White House, which has reportedly seen him cry in meetings on at least two occasions since he took up the job at the end of March.   Meadows, 60, the conservative former congressman from North Carolina, is the fourth … Read more

Americans answer Trump’s call to ‘liberate’ states from governors’ stringent coronavirus lockdowns

Americans have taken part in mass protests after President Donald Trump urged supporters to ‘liberate’ states from governors’ stringent coronavirus lockdowns. Demonstrators rallied in the streets waving huge USA flags and called for the country to reopen despite the pandemic ripping through the country. Thousands raced to the Florida coastline after Governor Ron DeSantis gave the … Read more