China brings in its big guns after troops fought to the death with rocks against Indian forces

China today broadcast live-fire military drills on the Tibetan plateau as India warned of a ‘befitting reply’ after 20 of its soldiers were killed in bloody hand-to-hand combat at the disputed Himalayan border. Communist state TV showed footage of artillery and tanks blowing apart the desert landscape as 7,000 infantry simulated assaults against fortified positions … Read more

Allied troops grind down Nazi war machine in colourised photos

The final year of fighting during the Second World War as Allied troops liberated Europe and ground down the Nazi war machine has been documented in newly-colourised photos. The images chart the advance of Russian, British and American forces from both east and west as they pushed Hitler’s forces back with help from resistance groups … Read more

White House ‘wanted to deploy 10,000 troops to Washington, DC to control George Floyd protests’

The White House reportedly wanted to deploy 10,000 active duty soldiers onto the streets of Washington, D.C. to quash George Floyd protesters earlier this week.  A senior defense official told NBC on Saturday that President Trump requested the large number of troops during a ‘contentious’ Oval Office meeting with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper on Monday.   … Read more

Sen Tom Cotton blasts NYT as it caves in over op-ed calling for troops to quash George Floyd rioting

Sen. Tom Scott questioned why the New York Times backpedaled on his recent op-ed calling for troops to be sent in to quash rioting seen in recent days connected to the George Floyd protests.   The paper posted a mea culpa yesterday over its decision to publish Cotton’s incendiary commentary calling for the use of military force … Read more

Troops storm beaches, scale cliffs and swoop over occupied France in stunning unseen photos

D-Day in colour: Troops storm beaches, scale cliffs and swoop over occupied France in stunning unseen photos released ahead of Normandy invasion’s 76th anniversary Series of photos show British and US troops storming beaches and talking to members of French Resistance One striking image shows Dakota C-47 transport planes releasing gliders, some snapped in half … Read more

Work resumes on British Normandy Memorial commemorating UK troops who died in the 1944 invasion

Work on a new memorial to commemorate the 22,442 British troops who died in the 1944 Battle of Normandy has restarted after the coronavirus pandemic ground construction to a halt. Master craftsmen were seen carefully carving the words of Winston Churchill’s monumental ‘We Shall Fight on the Beaches’ speech into the stone walls of the £20million British Normandy … Read more

New York Times caves in over op-ed calling for troops to be sent in to quash George Floyd rioting

The New York Times has caved in over an op-ed calling for troops to be sent in to quash rioting seen in recent days connected to the George Floyd protests.   The paper posted a mea culpa yesterday over its decision to publish Senator Tom Cotton’s incendiary op-ed calling for the use of military force against protesters.  … Read more

Trump demand police to ‘get tough’ as he privately abandons plan to send in federal troops

Donald Trump demanded Wednesday that police ‘get tough’ after a sixth night of nation-wide protests – but privately, the president is backing off his plan to send in federal troops to stifle rioters. While President Trump launched a more than 35-tweet tirade Wednesday morning, in part claiming that the violent protesters are ‘domestic terrorists,’ he … Read more

National Guard troops line up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during peaceful demonstration

Extraordinary images show dozens of National Guard troops lined up on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC on fifth day of protests over the death of George Floyd Hundreds of people gathered for a demonstration at the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool on Tuesday evening  At least 60 National Guard troops stood watch … Read more

Army uses online computer game War Thunder to teach tank tactics to troops on coronavirus lockdown

Army uses online computer game War Thunder to teach tank tactics to troops while they are under coronavirus lockdown in Texas Soldiers at Fort Hood are playing online games to keep their skills up They use the online war game War Thunder for daily tank maneuvers  The game gives soldiers the chance to practice controlling … Read more