Arthritis drug trial may only help the most critically iil coronavirus patients

Preliminary results of a study testing a rheumatoid arthritis drug disappointed after indicating it may only help the sickest coronavirus patients. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc and Sanofi SA had been studying Kevzara in hopes it would mitigate the immune system’s overreaction to the virus, dampening hopes the medicine could benefit a wider group of those infected. … Read more

Health Secretary Matt Hancock shares photo of himself taking part in ‘painless’ clinical trial

Health Secretary Matt Hancock shares photo of himself taking part in ‘painless’ clinical trial with plans to give it to 5,000 patients a week if tests are successful Health secretary posted the image on Twitter as a nurse took blood from his arm In the caption he implored Brits to take part in the ‘painless’ … Read more

UK launches trial into coronavirus blood plasma treatment that could help 5,000 patients a week

UK launches trial into coronavirus blood plasma treatment with plans to give it to 5,000 patients a week if tests are successful The Government has been collecting plasma for the NHS if the trial is a success Matt Hancock confirmed the new treatment could help 5,000 people per week The process involves harvesting plasma from … Read more

Coronavirus hopes dashed as trial finds promising HIV drug have little effect on patients

Lopinavir/ritonavir, marketed under the brand names Kaletra and Aluvia, is an anti-HIV medicine Hopes for a coronavirus cure were dealt a blow today after promising HIV and antiviral drugs were shown to have no effect on infected patients in China. Patients given anti-HIV medication lopinavir/ritonavir or the flu tablets Arbidol did not improve any quicker than … Read more

First volunteers are injected in the UK’s coronavirus vaccine trial

The first volunteers for the coronavirus vaccine trial have received their first doses as scientists desperately try fight the illness which has now claimed the lives of 18,738 in the UK. Scientists at the Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, have begun the first human trial in Europe by administering the trial injections, which were developed in … Read more

Tiger King trial juror slams Netflix series for portraying Joe Exotic as a ‘lovable guy’

A juror who helped convict a former Oklahoma zookeeper during his murder-for-hire trial has slammed the Netflix series Tiger King for making him out to be ‘almost a victim’. Joseph Maldonado-Passage, also known as Joe Exotic, was sentenced to 22 years in prison in April 2019 for trying to arrange the killing of Carole Baskin, … Read more

Scotland to begin its first trial of a drug to treat respiratory damage caused by COVID-19

Hydroxychloroquine  What are the brand versions of the drug? Plaquenil. What does it treat? Malaria, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. It is a less powerful and, by some experts’ accounts, less toxic, version of chloroquine phosphate. Hydroxychloroquine, sold under the brand name Plaquenil, may treat COVID-19 Who makes it and where has it already been tested? … Read more

Germany: Syrian ex-secret police go on trial for war crimes

Women were raped and male prisoners tortured and murdered in Syrian prison, German court hears, as trial begins of two ‘ex-intelligence officers’ accused of crimes against humanity Anwar Raslan, 57, is accused of being in charge of the facility near Damascus Eyad Al-Gharib ‘roamed Syria for protesters and took them back to the centre’ The … Read more

New trial will send drug to COVID-19 patients’ home to see if it can prevent serious complications

A new global clinical trial is launching to test if a common anti-inflammatory drug colchicine can prevent serious complications caused by the novel coronavirus. The study, which will recruit 6,000 participants from the US, Canada and Europe, will examine colchicine.  Colchicine is most often used to treat gout, a complex form of arthritis that causes … Read more

Hundreds of critically-ill coronavirus patients will be given an arthritis drug in RECOVERY trial

Tocilizumab, marketed as Actemra, will be given to hundreds of critically ill coronavirus patients in the NHS Hundreds of critically ill coronavirus patients in the NHS will be given an arthritis drug as part of the world’s largest trial of promising therapies. Tocilizumab, sold as RoActemra or Actemra, will be administered to patients whose lungs … Read more