Angela Merkel: UK to ‘live with consequences’ of no-deal Brexit

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of Boris Johnson’s decision to loosen economic ties with the EU as German leader hardens her Brexit stance Angela Merkel has hardened her stance on a UK-EU Brexit trade deal  Ex-UK PM Theresa May was keen on keeping close ties with the European Union … Read more

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of fewer economic ties with EU

Angela Merkel says Britain will have to ‘live with the consequences’ of Boris Johnson’s decision to loosen economic ties with the EU as German leader hardens her Brexit stance Angela Merkel has hardened her stance on a UK-EU Brexit trade deal  Ex-UK PM Theresa May was keen on keeping close ties with the European Union … Read more

Theresa May gets £100K per speaking gig but Malala and Greta Thunberg command highest prices

Theresa May has already made a MILLION on the public speaking circuit but won’t earn as much as her male peers – including Boris Johnson -because men are better at ‘chasing the dollar’, says expert Former PM has earned around a million pounds for global public speaking engagements since resigning from Downing Street in May … Read more

CRAIG BROWN: What Theresa May did next – for £32 a second! 

‘Knock! Knock!’ ‘Who’s there?’ ‘Theresa May!’ ‘Theresa May who?’ ‘That’s politics for you!’ On the other hand, perhaps we shouldn’t feel too sorry for the Forgotten Lady of British politics. The newly published register of members’ interests reveals that, since stepping down as Prime Minister last year, Mrs May has made eight speeches around the … Read more

Tory peer says targeting of Sir Winston Churchill’s statue echoes ‘fascist days of Islamic State’ 

The move to board up the monument of Sir Winston Churchill has been compared by one Tory peer to the ‘fascist days of Islamic State’ in Syria.   Tory Lord Marlesford said the targeting of statues amid fears of a clash between Black Lives Matters activists and far-right groups in the capital gave way to raising the … Read more

White House says Trump’s infamous church photo-op was like CHURCHILL

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Wednesday that President Trump’s church photo-up was akin to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill surveying bombing damage in England during World War II.  McEnany called Trump’s controversial walk to St. John’s church on Monday – that had been directly preceded by ousting Black Lives Matter protesters and their allies … Read more

Theresa May criticises Dominic Cummings’s lockdown actions

Theresa May wades into Dominic Cummings row as former PM says he ‘did not follow the spirit’ of lockdown rules with 260 mile drive Theresa May has written to her constituents criticising Dominic Cummings  Former PM said her successor’s senior aide has broke ‘spirit’ of lockdown rules Almost 100 Tory MPs who have either called … Read more

George Osborne, 49, is dating former chief of staff who oversaw his image make-over as Chancellor

‘I’ve never been happier’: George Osborne, 49, reveals he is dating former chief of staff who oversaw his image make-over as Chancellor and is now communications chief at Deliveroo Mr Osborne revealed he is in a relationship with Thea Rodgers He said he had entered into a relationship with Ms Rodgers ‘within the past year’ … Read more

Female comedians are taking politics to TikTok amid the coronavirus pandemic

Female comedians are taking politics to TikTok amid the coronavirus pandemic – including a drunk Donald Trump and storytime with Boris Johnson. In a series of TikTok videos sweeping the web, women can be seen offering uncanny lip syncs of different political figures, but all with the same voice – a presidential moan or a condescending … Read more

Cherie Blair reveals she wishes she’d put more effort into her appearance

Cherie Blair admits she wishes she’d learned how to do her hair and makeup when she was younger to prepare for the focus on her appearance as the PM’s wife Cherie Blair today revealed she wishes she’d put more effort into her appearance Wife of former British PM Tony Blair also said success is down to … Read more