Survey finds more than half of office staff will work from home for the rest of summer

More than half of office workers will carry on working from home despite lockdown restrictions set to ease, a survey has found. The Chartered Governance Institute and the Core Project interviewed 94 of Britain’s largest employers and found that 52 per cent of them would continue to operate working from home. The survey of company … Read more

Sharks are ‘functionally extinct’ from one-in-five coral reefs, according to comprehensive survey

Sharks are ‘functionally extinct’ from one-in-five coral reefs, according to comprehensive three-year survey A global survey paints a gloomy portrait of reef sharks populations In a three-year survey of  371 reefs around the world scientists found that almost 20 percent didn’t harbor a single reef shark Overfishing and human populations density are the biggest factors … Read more

A quarter of Britons could REFUSE to take coronavirus vaccine, new survey shows 

More than a quarter of people in the UK may refuse to be vaccinated against coronavirus, a worrying survey reveals. Results will be released today for a global frontrunner vaccine, developed at Oxford University, showing whether it is safe and triggers a positive immune response. But shocking figures show, even if this first step is … Read more

One in four people in England have eaten out since lockdown was eased on July 4, survey says

One in four people in England have eaten out since lockdown was eased on July 4, survey says Some 24% of those asked by Lloyds Bank said they ate at a restaurant, cafe or bar People in London were most likely to have eaten out, with 31% having done so The Government hopes even more … Read more

Survey finds 82% of workers skip lunch breaks because they feel completing work is more important

Do YOU feel guilty about taking a lunch break? Survey finds 82% of employees skip the downtime because they feel completing work is more important A study surveyed a group of employees on their lunch break behaviors The results show that as many as 82% of of workers are not taking advantage  The team found … Read more

Survey suggests Britain is becoming less scared about Covid-19

Britons appear to be less scared of coronavirus than they have been in months   as figures show nine out of 10 adults ventured out of their homes last week. Office for National Statistics data revealed that, between May 21 and May 24, 90 per cent of people left their homes, up from 86 per cent the … Read more

Daily contact with the joys of nature is good for our health and happiness, new survey reveals 

Daily contact with the joys of nature is good for our health and happiness, new survey reveals People who usually feel little connection to nature benefit the most from nature  Major study finds that daily contact with nature is good for health and happiness Researchers used 1,000 survey responses of people exploring nature every day … Read more

Covid’s classroom divide: Survey reveals 700,000 state pupils get NO home lessons at all

The startling inequalities in lockdown learning are laid bare today after it was revealed that an estimated 700,000 state school pupils are not being set any work by their teachers. Some schools have simply decided against online lessons because they say many children have only limited internet access.  Astonishingly, one head teacher said teachers might … Read more

Working from home DOES increase productivity, according to a survey

Working from home DOES increase productivity, according to a survey that found a third of people feel performance has improved while teleworking amid the coronavirus Millions of Americans are working from home amid the coronavirus pandemic A survey found that many have reported being more productive since the shift Those who feel isolated or rely … Read more

One-third of Americans say they WON’T get vaccinated against the coronavirus, new survey finds

More than 30 percent of Americans say they won’t be vaccinated against the novel coronavirus once a jab is developed, a new survey suggests. The report, from PR firm Bospar, found that one-third of adults did not trust being immunized against the virus that has killed more than 69,000 in the US.   Among age groups, … Read more