Turkey ‘will no longer stop refugees going to Europe’ after 33 soldiers were killed in Syria

Turkey will no longer block refugees trying to get to Europe after 33 of its soldiers were killed in a Syrian government airstrike in Idlib overnight, an official has said. Police, coastguard and border security officials have been instructed to stand down and allow people access to European borders by land and sea, the official … Read more

Car warning system will stop drivers opening a car door into the path of a passing cyclist 

Car wing mirror that flashes red when a cyclist is approaching could stop drivers opening the door into their path Sensors and cameras will automatically detect nearby road users   Red lights around the wing mirror and the  door will flash when triggered  An alert will also sound to make both driver and cyclist aware of danger  … Read more

Drivers of expensive cars are less likely to stop for pedestrians at zebra crossings

People driving expensive cars are more dangerous to pedestrians, and the more valuable their vehicles are the less likely they are to stop at zebra crossings.   Researchers from the University of Nevada in Las Vegas had people attempt to cross the road while noting the estimated value of the cars that did and didn’t stop. … Read more

Hank Azaria says he decided to stop voicing Apu on The Simpsons after educating himself on racism

Hank Azaria says he decided to stop voicing Apu on The Simpsons after educating himself on racism: ‘It just didn’t feel right’ He announced last month he will no longer voice Kwik-E-Mart owner Apu on The Simpsons Azaria spoke to The New York Times about his years-long process of examining the harmful impact of his … Read more

Clashes break out in Lesbos as locals battle with police while to stop work on new migrant camps 

Residents have fought riot police with wooden sticks and set up flaming barricades on the roads in an attempt to halt the construction of new migrant detention centres on two Greek islands. At least 500 people on Lesbos and Chios – including regional governor Kostas Moutzouris and West Lesbos mayor Taxiarchis Verros – clashed with … Read more

Doctors need to stop moaning and take responsibility for improving NHS, leading medical chief says

Doctors need to stop moaning and take responsibility for improving the NHS, the leader of Britain’s medics warns Professor Carrie MacEwen said ministers had given NHS substantial sum of cash Doctors must take advantage of ‘once in a generation opportunity’ given to them Government has pledged to pump an extra £33.9 billion into NHS over five years … Read more

Angela Rayner reveals she had mum sectioned to stop her self-harming, in heart-rending interview 

Labour deputy leadership hopeful Angela Rayner reveals she had to section her mother to stop her self-harming when she was a child in heart-rending joint interview She grew up having to care for Lynn Bowen, who suffered severe depression Once had to have her mother sectioned to prevent self-harm attempt Ms Bowen spoke of her … Read more

Civil Service boss Sir Mark Sedwill warns staff to stop briefing against Priti Patel

Civil Service boss Sir Mark Sedwill warns staff to stop briefing against Home Secretary Priti Patel and says the back-biting is ‘besmirching’ the UK’s reputation Sir Mark Sedwill writes to civil servants to warn against ‘unattributable briefings’  Home Secretary Priti Patel is said to be ‘livid’ over claims that she bullied staff Allegations emerged after … Read more

Police to give heroin to addicts twice a day to stop them offending

Police scheme to give heroin to addicts twice a day to stop them offending is described as a ‘chance in a lifetime’ Police spend £11,000 on diamorphine to give to 11 of the district’s heroin addicts Cleveland Police say none of the addicts re-offended in more than three months The addicts must themselves with diamorphine under supervision … Read more

TikTok uses its most popular influencers to tell its young users to ‘STOP scrolling and go outside’

TikTok is telling users to stop scrolling and ditch the app in a bid to curb smartphone addiction. Influencers with thousands, and in some case millions, of followers, make videos that are posted and promoted by the account @TikTokTips, which is run by the site.  The videos feature earnest pleas from internet celebrities talking about … Read more