Just 10 new cases of coronavirus are recorded nationally

Australia recorded just ten new coronavirus cases on Sunday, Health Minister Greg Hunt said today. The figure marks a dramatic turn-around from the peak of 460 new daily cases on 28 March.  As of 8am on Monday, the national case total was 6,716, with 83 deaths. Australia recorded just ten new coronavirus cases on Sunday, Health Minister … Read more

413 coronavirus deaths are recorded in UK today – the lowest figure this month 

Another 413 coronavirus deaths have been recorded in the UK today – the lowest figure this month. The numbers for England, Wales and Scotland are a significant drop on yesterday’s UK figures – and are lower than previous Sundays, which typically see a lower toll than weekdays. Once confirmed, today’s toll would be the lowest … Read more

Another 368 coronavirus deaths are recorded in UK today – the lowest figure this month 

Another 368 coronavirus deaths have been recorded in the UK today – the lowest figure this month. A further 336 people who tested positive for the Coronavirus died in England, bringing the total number of confirmed reported deaths in hospitals in the country to 18,420. Patients were aged between 28 and 100 years old. 22 … Read more

Russia denies hiding coronavirus figures as 5,849 new cases are recorded

Russia today recorded 5,849 new coronavirus cases and another 60 deaths as the mayor of Moscow denied claims that official figures were ‘hiding’ the full picture.  Sergei Sobyanin said Russia’s 0.9 per cent mortality rate was so low because of mass testing which leads to a high number of confirmed infections.  ‘No one is hiding … Read more

Mansion where Roxy Music and Pink Floyd recorded hits on the market for £6m

A luxury mansion where Roxy Music and Pink Floyd recorded hits and where Renée Zellweger stayed while filming Judy is back on the market for £6million after a third is slashed off the asking price.   St Ann’s Court, near Chertsey in Surrey, was where Roxy Music and members of Pink Floyd, The Jam and Soft … Read more

Last year was Europe’s hottest year EVER recorded

Last year was the hottest experienced in Europe since records began, according to a climate report issued by the European Union.  It saw exceptionally warm weather in the months of February, June and July which led to record-breaking temperatures recorded across the continent.  Millions sweltered in the unrelenting heat, with Britain recording a new all-time … Read more

Coronavirus Australia: Just 13 new cases recorded in 24 hours

Australia recorded just 13 new coronavirus cases across the country in a 24-hour period, but the Government insists medical experts will guide the relaxing of restrictions despite infections plummeting across every state. Queensland on Monday recorded no new cases of COVID-19 for the first time since March 9. In New South Wales, the hardest hit … Read more

The coronavirus death lag explained: How it can take weeks for fatality to be recorded

What is the coronavirus?  A coronavirus is a type of virus which can cause illness in animals and people. Viruses break into cells inside their host and use them to reproduce itself and disrupt the body’s normal functions. Coronaviruses are named after the Latin word ‘corona’, which means crown, because they are encased by a … Read more

Thirty-four new coronavirus cases are recorded in the UK as infection toll reaches 85

Thirty-four new coronavirus cases have been recorded in the UK today in the biggest daily spike recorded on British soil, taking the number of infected patients to 85.   Health officials refused to reveal where the infected patients were diagnosed but said 80 cases have been in England, three in Scotland, one in Wales and one … Read more

Billionaire businessman Sir Frederick Barclay ‘was secretly recorded by his nephews’

Billionaire media mogul Sir Frederick Barclay was secretly recorded by his identical twin brother’s son who had bugged the conservatory of The Ritz hotel, a court heard.  The 85-year-old businessman and his daughter Amanda claim that Sir David’s three sons, Alistair, Aidan and Howard, and Aidan’s son Andrew, were parties to the recording of their private … Read more