Punters will be told to leave Tier 2 pubs once they finish their meal

Drinkers must leave pubs or restaurants as soon as they have eaten their meal in the latest extraordinary diktat from Downing Street today. Tier 2 diners in England cannot linger or order more booze after their food is finished – and will be expected to go even when they have more left to drink after the … Read more

Excited punters knock back a few drinks as they flood into Melbourne Gold Cup

The Melbourne Cup may look a little different this year thanks to COVID-19 restrictions but it didn’t take long for revellers to get into the party spirit at the event.     With Covid-19 safety measures in place, no racegoers or owners were allowed to attend Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne for Australia’s most prestigious horse race. Instead, glamorous … Read more

Thousands of glammed up punters kick off their heels and let loose after the Melbourne Cup

Thousands of jubilant revellers across Australia haven’t let coronavirus social distancing or state border blockades stop them from celebrating the iconic Melbourne Cup well into Tuesday evening.  Twilight Payment took out the race that stops the nation in front of empty grandstands at Flemington Racecourse on Tuesday – as one of the favourites, Anthony Van … Read more

Pub bosses install ELECTRIC FENCE at the bar to keep punters socially distanced

Pub bosses install ELECTRIC FENCE at the bar to keep punters socially distanced from staff while ordering their drinks Staff at The Star Inn in Cornwall installed an electric fence to protect staff Landlord Johnny McFadden says the fence is used to shock locals into behaving The fence is usually switched off but ‘can be … Read more

Punters without bookings are warned to avoid pubs on July 4

Pub owners have warned customers to only turn up if they have pre-booked a table as bosses prepare to reopen after being shut for more than three months. Customers are expected to be allowed back into pubs from July 4 as they are allowed to open again after shutting on March 20 just before lockdown … Read more

Scotland could be the first UK nation to re-open its PUBS to serve punters outdoors

So just WHEN will pubs reopen? Nicola Sturgeon confirms Scottish hospitality industry will remain CLOSED well into July despite a ‘gradual opening’ of its economy – as Boris Johnson refuses to to confirm July 4 date for English boozers to reopen She will update Scotland about its lockdown in Holyrood this afternoon It could see Scottish … Read more

Police find punters hiding in cupboards after raid on pub which had stayed open during lockdown

Police find punters hiding in cupboards after raid on pub which had stayed open during lockdown Police raided the Pitsmoor Hotel in Sheffield on Friday night following a tip off  Officers found patrons hiding in cupboards while they searched the property  The bar’s landlord had previously been raided at another pub in the city  South … Read more

SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE: Cotswolds hideaway favoured by Prince Harry pitches for more punters

Talk about pitching for new business. Soho Farmhouse, the £1,650-a-year very exclusive private members’ club set in 120 Oxfordshire acres — whose devotees include George and Amal Clooney and where Prince Harry romanced Meghan Markle on one of their first intimate weekends together — is opening its doors to an army of tent dwellers. So … Read more

Punters place bets on a white Easter and coldest-ever April

Spring may have briefly sprung but the UK is stepping back into winter with falling temperatures. On Sunday, Surrey and Scotland saw snow flurries as British Summer Time started and temperatures fell as much as -8C as a 1,000 mile-wide mini ‘Beast from the East’ hit the UK. An inch of snow settled in parts of … Read more