HAMISH MCRAE: We want quality, not quantity post-Covid

So how was the holiday in France then? If going abroad means there is a risk that you have to quarantine when you get back, you will think twice about travelling.  For holidaymakers that is a huge inconvenience. For many companies the impact is more radical, for it means they have to rethink everything about … Read more

Rail body calls for sleeper trains to use Channel Tunnel due to rise in post-Covid eco-tourism

Night train to Nice? Rail body calls for sleeper trains to use Channel Tunnel due to rise in post-Covid eco-tourism Night trains, including from Brussels to Stockholm and Vienna, are being revived Rail industry has proposed to run sleeper trains through Channel tunnel  It is in order to cater for growing demand for environmentally-friendly travel … Read more

Boris Johnson calls for a post-Covid clean up of UK beauty spots as the Mail relaunches campaign

Boris Johnson calls on the nation to ‘roll up our sleeves’ and clean up the rubbish discarded during the lockdown. The Prime Minister is throwing his weight behind a fight against litter being backed by the Daily Mail. Pubs and restaurants being closed for months has led to parties in parks, on beaches and at … Read more

Leading thinkers suggest how to revive Britain’s economy post-Covid 

In the darkest hours of the Second World War, the Churchill-led coalition government embarked on the bravest of enterprises. It sought to put in place a social and economic settlement which would protect the lives of citizens in decades to come. The Beveridge Report of 1942 provided a blueprint for confronting what the author described … Read more

DOMINIC LAWSON: Life post-Covid? What we can ALL learn from the Japanese 

For those of us sensitive to noise, the rules likely to govern public manners as the nation eases out of lockdown seem almost like paradise, and certainly an improvement on the pre-Covid-19 social code. The new measures are based on the scientists’ belief that talking loudly produces thousands of droplets, which can remain in the … Read more

How retailers are coping with the new normal post-Covid

One-way traffic, hand-sanitiser stations, clothes quarantines and Perspex screens – shopping on the country’s high streets looks very different today than it did before lockdown began three months ago. Non-essential retailers are now open for the first time in months, meaning a flurry of behind-the-scenes activity as owners adjust to the ‘new normal’ – from … Read more

The UK ‘not the most attractive place’ for foreign nurses and doctors’ to work post-Covid

NHS staff shortages could get worse if vital foreign staff are put off joining the health service because of the way Britain has handled the Covid-19 crisis, an expert has warned.  The NHS already had tens of thousands of job vacancies before the crisis spiralled out of control, with 40,000 nurse posts empty and unions crying … Read more

As changing rooms are closed, a stylist reveals the most effective ways to shop post-Covid

The shops are now open – but it’s not quite ‘business as usual’.  While you might be itching for some retail therapy after months of lockdown, stores are having to make changes to ensure the safety of shoppers. From socially distanced queues just to get in, to changing rooms being closed – the new normal … Read more

Welcome to the post-Covid hotel: Why it won’t be business as usual when UK hotels open on July 4

Welcome to the post-Covid hotel: Next month can’t come soon enough for UK hoteliers – but it won’t exactly be business as usual Hotels are preparing to welcome back guests with three-quarters saying they are ready to open on July 4 Check-in times are likely to be staggered, or set later in the afternoon, to … Read more

Property expert reveals how to get the best deal post-Covid

Like many other areas of life, the property market finds itself in extraordinary circumstances in the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic.  Whether you’re a first-time buyer or a landlord renting out property to tenants, the landscape looks a little different to how it did at March’s end, when pause was firmly pressed on a post-Brexit … Read more