US Election 2020: Biden calls Trump ‘conman’ and quotes Pope Francis

Good afternoon.  A few weeks ago, I spoke at Gettysburg about the need to unite our nation. Today, here at Warm Springs, I want to talk about the need to heal our nation.  Over these past few months there has been so much pain, so much suffering, so much loss in America. Over 225,000 people … Read more

Lauren Pope is every inch the multi-tasking mummy as treats herself to a face mask

Lauren Pope is every inch the multi-tasking mummy as treats herself to a face mask while cradling daughter Raine and snapping selfies By Ciara Farmer For Mailonline Published: 12:10 GMT, 27 October 2020 | Updated: 12:10 GMT, 27 October 2020 She welcomed her daughter Raine with her boyfriend Tony Keterman in July.  And Lauren Pope … Read more

Pope may have been exposed to Covid-19 after meeting Vatican diplomat who later tested positive 

Pope may have been exposed to Covid-19 after face-to-face meeting with Vatican diplomat who later tested positive Archbishop Adolfo Tito Yllana has reportedly tested positive for coronavirus He serves as the Holy See’s ambassador to Australia and lives in Canberra  Pope Francis, 83, was seen wearing a face mask for the first time this week … Read more

Pope Francis praises breastfeeding mother as an ‘example of tenderness and beauty’

Pope Francis praised a breastfeeding mother as he reverted to going without a coronavirus face mask during the Vatican general audience today.  Francis mentioned Switzerland’s Valentina Frey at the start of the audience in the  Paul VI hall while she breastfed her daughter Charlotte Katharina. He said the act was an example of ‘tenderness’ and ‘beauty’ before … Read more

The Pope, 83, wears a coronavirus face mask for the first time in public

Pope Francis wore a mask for the first time at a public address on Tuesday, the week after 11 Swiss Guards came down with Covid-19, prompting fears for his health. Over the weekend, the Vatican also said someone living in the same hotel as the pope had tested positive for the coronavirus. The pope, 83, … Read more

Coronavirus: Fears for Pope as ELEVEN Swiss Guards test positive

Eleven members of the Swiss Guard, which protects the pope, have contracted coronavirus, adding to fears over the pontiff’s health. On Monday, four men became the first members of the Guard to test positive and a further seven cases were announced today. The Vatican is reportedly now trying to find out who the infected guards … Read more

The Pope apologises to faithful for being unable to greet them at the Vatican due to coronavirus

Mask-free Pope tells faithful he cannot risk greeting them and shaking their hands following coronavirus spike in Italy as four Swiss Guards test positive for Covid-19 Pope Francis apologises to the faithful after waving from a distance at a public audience in the Vatican The 83-year-old, who appeared without a mask, said the unprecedented measures … Read more

Pope mingles with crowd and kisses newly-ordained priest’s hand at Vatican event

The Pope mingles with the crowd and kisses newly-ordained priest’s hand – all while not wearing a face mask – at Vatican event Pontiff has gone without mask at the first Wednesday general audiences since they resumed on September 2 The 83-year-old today kissed one of his brethren on the hand, chatted intimately with newlywed … Read more

Pope Francis reassures LGBT people that God loves them. Many felt the church did not accept them

Pope Francis tells parents of LGBT children that ‘God loves them as they are’  Pope Francis reassures the parents of LGBT children that God loves them  Parents of LGBT children felt that some religious figures would not accept them   The Pope met a group seeking greater acceptance from the church to LGBT people  They gave … Read more