MIT invents wireless box monitors the breathing and sleeping patterns of COVID-19 patients at home

As a critical shortage of ventilators looms, New York Governor Andre Cuomo revealed Friday that the state will begin repurposing BiPAP machines to sustain severely ill coronavirus patients.  Last week, the state resorted to converting anesthesia machines to supplement its stockpile of an estimated 6,500 ventilators.  Thursday, Cuomo said he wasn’t sure if BiPAP machines … Read more

Prehistoric humans share migration patterns with HYENAS that left Africa two million years ago

Prehistoric humans share migration patterns with HYENAS that left Africa two million years ago due to climate change Researchers from Denmark found that hyenas underwent complex migrations The team said that humans and hyenas likely coexisted peacefully at first Yet as humans became more evolved the relationship became bad for hyenas  African and Eurasian hyenas … Read more