Ex-police officers are called back into service with 20 per cent off sic

Ex-police officers are called back into service with 20 per cent off sick amid coronavirus pandemic – as Britain’s 48,000 firefighters deliver supplies, drive ambulances and retrieve dead bodies in huge national effort Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick has written to retired officers She is asking former police who retired less than five years ago … Read more

Hazmat-clad officers disinfect Wuhan train stations as the city prepares to lift lockdown

Authorities in Wuhan have started to disinfect the city’s high-speed railway stations as officials prepare to lift travel restrictions in and out of the provincial capital, which has been on lockdown due to the novel coronavirus since January. Rescue officers and firefighters donning goggles and hazmat suits have decontaminated Hankou Railway Station and Wuhan Railway … Read more

Coronavirus: One in five Met Police officers and staff are off sick or self-isolating

One in five Scotland Yard officers and staff are off sick or self-isolating due to coronavirus, claims union as police get new powers amid UK lockdown 19% of police, civilian and community support officers say they cannot work 2,100 of the Met’s 31,000 officers are off, according to Met Police Federation Prime Minister has said … Read more

Boris Johnson’s rules put officers in ‘very difficult position’ says representative

Good Evening. The coronavirus is the biggest threat this country has faced for decades – and this country is not alone. All over the world we are seeing the devastating impact of this invisible killer And so tonight I want to update you on the latest steps we are taking to fight the disease and … Read more

Police forces across UK will make officers work 12-hour shifts in plans to tackle coronavirus crisis

Police forces across the UK will make officers work 12-hour shifts and put plain clothes police back in uniform to answer 999 calls under plans to cover sick staff in plans being drawn up to tackle the coronavirus crisis. Historical crimes – like the 2007 disappearance of Maddie McCann – will also be put on … Read more

Officers threaten mass WALKOUT after they are accused of using excessive force 

French police bundle a woman to the ground and kick a man for breaking coronavirus lockdown rules: Cops threaten mass WALKOUT after they are criticised for ‘excessive force’ French police are accused of breaking basic health rules when issuing fines  ‘Officers failed to observe social-distancing, wear masks, & some used violence’  There are currently some … Read more

Cressida Dick says retired officers could be drafted in because of coronavirus 

Met police chief Dame Cressida Dick says retired officers and volunteers could be drafted in as sick cover when force numbers are hit by coronavirus Cressida Dick admits retired officers may be called back due to the coronavirus  There have been 1,543 positive tests for coronavirus in the UK as of 9am today  Police say … Read more

Kate Langbroek shares foreboding photo of officers patrolling Bologna streets amid Italy’s lockdown

Australian radio personality Kate Langbroek has been documenting the stark reality of life in Italy amid the coronavirus crisis.   And on Sunday, Kate shared a foreboding photograph of four officers with ‘Polizia’ branded on their jackets patrolling the locked-down streets of Bologna.  Taking to Instagram, Kate wrote: ‘On patrol,’ sharing a number of hashtags under the snap … Read more

Police charge six teenage suspects over attacks on officers in mass machete brawl at cinema

Police charge six teenage suspects including girls aged 13 and 14 over attacks on officers in mass machete brawl at cinema Six teenagers were charged following a mass brawl on November 23 last year A young gang arrived with machetes at Star City cinema complex in Birmingham Seven police officers were left with minor injuries … Read more

Police probe into sheikh’s daughter’s abduction could be reopened as officers ‘review case’

Princess Shamsa was abducted from Cambridge after she went on the run in 2000 and the High Court has ruled her father Sheikh Mohammed al-Maktoum was behind the plot  British police today turned up the heat on Dubai’s billionaire ruler after deciding to  ‘review’ the alleged abduction of his princess daughter in Britain because the High … Read more