Brexit negotiators will keep talking today

Britain’s Brexit negotiators munched on mince pies and refuelled on mulled wine as they realised the path to a deal was still days away, it has been reported. The opposing teams last night missed another deadline in their quest to hammer out a post-Brexit trade deal, this one set by the European Parliament. As a … Read more

British team accuses European negotiators of failing to make progress in Brexit talks

UK seeks EU Brexit shift… as Michel Barnier cracks jokes: British team accuses European negotiators of failing to make progress in trade talks Officials are working to new deadline of next Thursday to achieve breakthrough  Figures involved in the talks are growing increasingly pessimistic about deal  Ireland has warned failure to reach a deal could … Read more

New Zealand’s Deputy PM says Brexit negotiators are ‘not match fit’ to hammer out trade deals

New Zealand’s Deputy PM says British negotiators are ‘not match fit’ to hammer out global trade deals as he compares Brexit team to cricketers ‘trying to win the Ashes having not played the game for 30 years’ after decades in EU Officials in trade talks with New Zealand, Japan, Australia, the US and the EU … Read more

EU and UK negotiators meet face-to-face for the first time since March

The EU and UK negotiation teams met face-to-face for the first time since March today amid intense efforts to break the deadlock over trade terms. David Frost and Michel Barnier gathered around a large circular table in Brussels this morning, as they tried to thrash out differences on fishing rights and demands to obey the … Read more

Britain’s trade negotiators hit back after Michel Barnier accused UK of ‘backsliding’

British negotiators accuse Michel Barnier of disingenuously ‘acting like the referee’ in Brexit talks as attempts to strike a trade deal descend into acrimony Britain’s Brexit negotiators say Michel Barnier is actually ‘a player on the pitch’ The Brussels chief negotiator accused UK negotiator David Frost of ‘backsliding’ Mr Frost warned Brexit talks must ‘intensify and … Read more